1983 School Magazine




7t/lMgs T€ACH€RS SAs.. " " 1 nevetz l-oze anything. I luzt don,t know uhene theg. ane. A zycophctnt iz ct zuck, but gou call't zay that".. 1t goez Uyg'g.gg.anmmmoooo 33333&33 y,yaayucunmmmoooo " , . And, d.on't unjte that d.own. CLaz.!: aou zaid that /l€ uta.z pnegnartt! Teachen: lt)e)l_, that would. be a {ine extenz)on o{ eguctl- nightz - arthough thene,d. oil,y even be one chi.Ld.,in eventL {anlly t{ they hctd Lo have the bab)ez, she tnonpec anound zo much, you'd thin/< zhe'd. neec a gneaze- ctnd. oi,L chon-ge by the end. o{ the nove). (Tezz) "". an-d i{ he'd been en innocenf gnurron bog, and not "." and i{ pooz old Tezz hctd. had. a {ace like the back been zct{e, . " Sw 1 d'nop thiz piece o{ chalk oul, o{ a plane" (Cl-cr'Jz ztaztz ygg,Ling. ) ll/e-t/-, 4W 3 d"_op thiz d.uztez out o{ a pl-ane,.. (1n a phgzicz c).ezz) Take a zulen; do jt phyzicat_lu" com)ng up the zta)nz, I hcld. anothen thought, but )t,z onr-y hal-{-{o.nnec, zo t'l/ zee i{ it'z e th,i.nd method. Az I za,id., -it luzt happenec on the uay up the ztctinz. Haz ang,one got a ztnonge pen on thejrt clezh? 1{ you can und-enztartd )t, thene,'z zoniething. nctd)caily o4ong with you, What don't you und.ozztand, Kanetr? Kct.tzen: I d.on,t know. Did. ctngone mctke a big mezz ancL guve. up? K ineti c ene4gu. i z obzu,tlrecl , e4, r.tl4s4yecl , no abartrtbed. Uou'ne g,iving me the old, ztunneC look agctin. had anything to con{ezz... o{ a buz, zhe'd have

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