1982 BGGS Magazine
YOU You- cell, surrounded by billions ofyour fellows, Think that the masses extend on forever
And are not able to comprehend That anything could be different.
But you - grass, madeup of these uncountable beings, Know there is a limit. Y au have a certain height and shape, But although you are a separate organism, you again are Surrounded by an endless expanse of images of yourself You also think that this world goes on the same way forever. And you - bird, looking down on the grass, Know that the grass will end. You have seen rivers and rocky gorges. You have seen cement jungles called cities, and endless seas. Bu t no matter how far you fly, you will never come to ari end. And you - human, you have seen all these things and know that they do come to an end. You know that the earth is only a certain size. You know that the sky doesn't go on like a bottomless ocean. You know that beyond that, there is an endless black deep place That seems to extend forever. Is there then a greater being, who knows our destiny, Who knows the limits of the place in which we live, A !I beyond our comprehension? Natalie Gunn. Julia Mainstone JOE.
The Comet A red blur speeds past the broken sun; Casual, a comet licked its fingers In trails of streaming flame, And belched a slight flare of gas Just once. It curled once, twice, and then, Was off again. Sweeping past crystal chandeliers, Velvet drapes: A ballroom galaxy. Lightly it danced, Delicately swerving between planets, . Flicking its tail.
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