1982 BGGS Magazine


opportunity for a ll the cultural groups to show their programmes to their parents and friends. Other performances during the year were given at the Gap Anglica n Church Annual Dinner at StJames Church of England a t Kelvin Grove, at Kelvin Grove State School Fete and recently a t the Heritage Festival in Brookvale Park in the Darling Downs. A very enjoyable day was spent danc ing amidst the wildflowers and the native trees. The .costumes have been considerably expanded during this year; they include now the following regions of France: the Vendee, Normandy, Brittany, Bourgogne, .Touraine and the Provence. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the mothers of the members of the group, who have created the many new additions to the costumes and who assist in providing transport, dressing and care of the extensive wardrobe. We enjoyed having 5 mothers with us on the bus trip to Brookva le. The last performance of the year will also be the closing session of Brisbane's Fes tival '82; the Ethnic Sunday in the Old Botanical Gardens on lOth October where our French Provincial Group will perform with 14 other Ethnic Groups of Brisbane. We are pleased to be accepted as members of the f\ 11 Nations Committee and hope to continue to represent France in the coming years . We thank Miss Geta Breitenbach for her help in teaching the Provincial Dances and Mimi Cardell for her able leadership. J . Spykerboer


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