1982 BGGS Magazine
WATER POLO REPORT Grammar began the 1981-1982 waterpolo season by forwarding ten teams- 3 U 14, 3 U 16, 2 U 18 and an open A and B, into the interclub competition. Though not as successful as last year Grammar still did well in taking the premiership for Open Band finishing second in U 14, U 16 and U 18 grand finals. This year again showed the large number of girls selected for representative teams. Grammar had four girls selected in the Brisbane U 16 team which played Auckland and Wellington teams last December and in March this year we had eight girls selected for a Brisbane Regional team from which Kate Swindon was selected for the Queensland schoolgirls team which toured to Melbourne in April. Also touring in April were another five girls representing Queensland in the U 18 team which played in National titles in Sydney. Thanks must go to the coaches and committee members which include past and present students and Mr Madden and best of luck to next season ' s official coaches Carol Hudson
and Sue Gordon. Rebecca Sheppard
82 Water Polo Nadine Gerrard (1). Rebecca Sheppard (r)
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