1982 BGGS Magazine
PRINCIPAL'S ANNUAL REPORT 1981 Presented at the End of Year Assembly in the City Hall It is with much pleasure that, as Pr incipal of Brisbane Girls ' Grammar School , I present the l 06th Ann ual Report of the School. This year, because of increasing numbers and greater interest in the End of Year Assembly and prize giving, it has been necessary to move from the venue of the past five years in Centenary Hall at Brisbane Grammar School. I would like to take thi s opportunity to thank the Board of Trustees, the Principal and staff of Brisbane Grammar School for the help and hospitality of the past years when we have held this occasion in their fine school. It has been much appreciated. The school year opened on January 27th with 799 students of whom 96 were boarders . This represents an increase of some twenty girls in the Boarding House which resulted from the Board of Trustees' decision in 1980 to upgrade boarding facilities and to provide accommodation for the increasing number of country girls seeking a place in our school. Although the alterations were not completed until the Easter break , the parents of boarders were invited to attend the evening meal with their daughters on the first night, see the progress of the alterations , and meet with sta ff from both the day and boarding school. From the number of letters I received after the evening, it was a most successful innovation a nd we will certainly continue this practise in 1982. Country parents have very little opportunity, if any, to meet with the men and women who will care for their children in the year ahead . The girls were particularly pleased with all the changes and most grateful to everyone who had contributed. Special thanks must be given to the Mothers ' Group who provided money, time and effort to furnish and redecorate a room for senior boarders to use for relaxation . Miss Lynch, Dr Gehrmann, Distinguished Guests, Parents, Staff and Girls,
Recently an order has been placed to provide silky oak tables a nd seating for the new dining hall at a cost of some $10,000 . These furnishings will become an asset to the school and help to make the area o f the old Assembly Hall a most dignified room. Thanks for this generous donation must go to the Pa rent s' and Friends ' Association under the chairmanship of Mr Bill Ward. It is hoped that in the future, the o ld Assembly Hall will not only be the focus of the boarding house but o f the school a lso, and that with the co- operation of the Old Girls ' Associ a tion, it will permanently house our archives in the gallery area. Plans a re already afoot to install a Lilley Honour Board in the area to record the names of all students who have received the school ' s highest academic honour. A gift of a beautiful oil painting presented to the school by the class of 1930 after its fiftieth reunion will also shortly be hung in the area, along with photographs of the women who have held the position of Headmistress in the school. The development of this section of the school represent s the result of co-operative effort by the Board of Trustees, students, old girls and parents and will, for all time, stand to remind us all of the spirit and support that exist for the school.
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