1982 BGGS Magazine

GIRLS' CHORALE During the first semester of 1982 the Choral e was actively involved in numerous recitals. In the first part of the term we performed at the Organ Society Festival in which we sang two compositions, The Procession of the Palms and Easter Morning. This proved to be a very successfu l and enjoyable evening. In May there was a Recital Evening a t which the Chorale performed the Easter Hymn from Cava lleria Rusticana and a number of well known songs. Second semester proved to be a very busy one as there were many commitments to fulfil. Our thanks must go to Miss Hebden for the time and effort she has contributed throughout the year, and also to our "tinkler of the ivorys" Mrs Best. On behalf of a ll the sen iors we wish everyone the best of luck in 1983. Margot Hawley, Liz Meier

CONCERT CHOIR The year began with a drastic increase in numbers. The 20 or so boys awa iting us at B.G.S. were rather shocked to see over 60 gir ls a rri ving. These numbers levelled out to about 40 boys and 65 girls for the first half of the year. Once aga in with Mr Wakefield as our conductor, we em- barked on another year of enjoyable singing and, of course, social fun . We have endeavoured to cover a wide variety of music from classical to jazz to pop. Our performances for first semester in cl uded school recital evenings and a T.V . recording for the Young Music Makers ' Special on Channel 9. A fruitful afternoon was spent with Professor Frank Pooley, an expert in choral studies from the University of Sou thern Ca liforni a. Much valuable knowledge was gained by both the Choir and Mr Wakefield. At the end of Semester I it was decided that the choir was too large (we couldn ' t fit on stage!) and that a year 8 choir wou ld be formed to train for future years in Concert Choir. Semester I I has seen a vast improvement in the standard of the Choir, in the Music Competition for Secondary Schools in whi ch we gained first pl ace with 94 points, school recital even ings, public performances including Youth in Concert wi th Q. Y .0. and the Commonwealth Games Closing Ce remony. We would like to thank Miss Turner, our accom- pan ist , and once again Mr Wakefield for the wonderful ex- perience we' ve had singing in the Grammar Concert Choir. Alison Reid Postscript: To those who leave us this year and who have been in the choir since its humble beginnings, we wish you all the best for the future. You will be missed. Rod Wakefield STRING ORCHESTRA The st ring orchestra was formed in 1980 to cater for the needs of junior string players. Two years later we have become twice as big, twice as strong and the abilities of our members range from beginners to more advanced students. Rehearsals took pl ace under the eagle eye of our patient and all -enduring conductor Mrs Sopinski. So far this year we have performed in two school concerts with a relatively high degree of success on both occasions. Until seco nd semester our group was composed solely of violins but then we welcomed the presence of a double bass and hope to increase our numbers with the addition of some vio las and 'cellos in the near future. Sharon Kirkwood.

YEAR 8 CHOIR Mr Warden and Miss Turner have contributed their talent and experience to enable this year ' s Grade eights to par- ticipate in a newly-formed Year 8 Choir. There are ap- proximately 40 enthusiastic members. Their first perfor- mance was at the Recital Evening on August 24th. Towards the end of the year they performed a musical "Three Ships" which was exceptionally successful as the choir had only been together for three months.


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