1982 BGGS Magazine
MUSIC REPORT 1982 has been an up-tempo year for the B.G.G.S. Music Department. The year saw the appointment of Mr Rod Wakefield as the first Music Director of the school, and under his direction the various instrumental and choral groups have been involved in a nurry of activities- rehearsals, competitions, concerts and recitals. Six Grammar music groups entered the Pine Rivers Music Contest for Secondary Schools in August. Five of these were eventual winners, with the sixth being narrowly defeated. Congratulations to all those involved! This year also saw the formation of a Music Committee of interested parents, whose main aim is to raise funds to purchase additional equipment. A highlight of the year was the memorable TAYLOR RANGE REVISITED day, organised by them. All who attended enjoyed a great day of fun and entertainment. As there are currently about 350 students involved either in learning an instrument or in choral groups, this year two school Music Captains were appointed to help facilitate com- munications between students and staff. Many thanks must go to all the students, but especially the seniors, who co-operated so willingly and supported us so warmly in our role . We have enjoyed a very successful and harmonious year, with firm friendships being formed at all levels of the depart- ment. Our thanks must go to:- the staff who devote much of their own time to conduct groups, accompany them etc- our parents, without whom we would be unable to attend prac- tices and performances, and whose encouragement and en- joyment add to our own- and lastly the students themselves, who attended rehearsals and concerts so conscientiously. This year has been an exciting and fulfilling one for both of us, and we wish all concerned a year of great music and fellowship in 1983 . Kerrin Briant and Andrea Grant Music Captains
MUSIC CAMP REPORT For three days from the 2nd of April, those lucky enough to go participated in a wonderful weekend of music and fun in our annual combined music camp at Alexandra Park. Along with a combined orchestra, a combined concert band and the concert choir rehearsals, the highlight of the weekend was the full-camp choir conducted by Mr Wakefield . It was a delight- ful weekend, accompanied by sunny weather and was used so we could understand, appreciate and learn a little more about music and to get to know one another. We're sure everyone who went along enjoyed themselves thoroughly. The camp finished on a happy note at the music camp con- cert held on 7th April when we were able to bring our work and talent back to school and our parents in a very colourful and successful display. Thank you to all those who participated in this year ' s camp, and particularly to the parents and staff who worked overtime to keep it running smoothly. A most enjoyable time was had by all. Andrea Grant and Kerrin Brjant Music Captains
GRADE 12 MADRIGAL GROUP Originally formed in 1981 as our grade II elective music class we have performed successfully over the 2 year period under the direction of Miss Hebden. Our first performance early this year took place as a part of a Midday Musicale Concert in the Ithaca Auditorium of the City Hall. We did not only perform madrigals but were also present under the disguise of "the Elizabethan Consort" (alias grade 12 recorder ensemble) . Later in June we performed as the open- ing artists in the School Recital Evening which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. BUT WAIT!!! The great highlight of the year was our performance in the Pine Rivers Secon- dary Schools vocal group section in August in which we were successful in winning our heat and later attaining first place in the finals. 29
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