1982 BGGS Magazine
WOOLCOCK HOUSE REPORT Much to Miss Cahill's relief any great aspirations to change our "wonder woman " to a big yellow banana were discarded as we made preparations for the year ' s first official house event with a batch of brand new "wonder Woolcock" T-shirts. By the 17th February (only just made it in time for the swimming) we had, thanks to Linda Jones (who designed , printed, directed and produced the whole project) 30 new, slightly modified (more stars and a few more ink splodges) bright yellow T-shirts emblazened with our new motto "WE WORK WONDERS". Well the afternoon of the swimming finally came and we watched the train of yellow socks, shirts, ribbons, sunglasses and hats trot down to Centenary Pool where we amazed the crowd with our new war cries, our enthusiastic star- bloomered cheer-squad and our brilliant attempts at swim- ming which placed us third overall , thanks to the efforts of Angela Wardrobe who won the Year 12 individual medal. Next big event was our House Bar-b-que on the 16th March . It was great to see such a large turn up, with nearly the whole house staying after school swimming in the pool and playing 5 legged potato and spoon races (or something that resembled that). We had a cold meat and salad smorgasbord followed by the ceremonial cutting of a great big yellow iced cake by one of our cute grade eights. Cake eating was followed by more games and we concluded the night with a relaxed chocolate scramble. After a lot of chop and change this year we finally had the interhouse athletics divided into two parts. After a slow start after school on Tuesday, II th May Woolcock ' s spirit trebled on the Friday, everyone decked out in yellow with their enthusiasm increasing with the competitive spirits of the other houses. Excitement peaked in the ball games with everyone involved, playing or cheering for our successes as we won the ball games trophy and just missed coming first overall to Griffith House. It was a terrific day and it was great to see Woolcock ' s famous closely knit house-spirit following through from last year.
The date of the inter-house R. T. Jefferies Chorale Competition fin a lly decided upon to be the 24th June meant our piano, guitar and flute players would be absent on the school trip to Townsville. However, our nervous and rather diminished group rose to the stage to sing "Doe Ray Me" and "The New Commandment ". Though I was not present to tell whether our much practiced deers ' ears (or antlers or whatever) went up on the beat I was still very proud of our choir, alth ough they didn ' t win, they received 78 points, which can ' t be that bad. Th anks must go to Bronwyn Ashton for all the time and effort she put in to make the choir listenable. True to tradition and another Woolcockian success, we won for the third time running the gymnastics competition . Congratulations must go to our team which consisted mainly of 5 grade eights (which looks promising for the future) and I hope they all keep it up. Oh well , that ' s about all the exciting things we've done so far, (Oh I forgot to say about a few of the more interesting house assemblies when we heard from Rebecca Fielding and Ann Sha rp about their trip to France and Lexie Mooney's trip to Fiji) but anyway we still have schoolday- on which we are selling ice cream sundaes, and the picnic day on the 22nd September to look forward to. To finish off I'd like to thank Kate Swindon (YHC) and Angela Wardrobe (HSC) and all the House seniors for doing such an excellent job and I'd like to congratulate the rest of the house for being just plain excellent. Lots of luck for next year. Rebecca Sheppard House Captain
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