1982 BGGS Magazine

.. HIRSCHFELD HOUSE REPORT In 1982, once more, as in the past two years, the year began with a group of enthusiastic seniors, eager to make Hirschfeld House an absolute success . Thanks to the un- doubted art ability of one Hirschfeld mother, a new House symbol was adopted; a banner sporting a tiger. Proudly, "Tiger" introduced an appropriate and ambitious accom- panying motto, "A Bound Ahead of the Rest" . Consequent- ly, numerous t-shirts flooded into the W 14 printing workshop, and, due to the enormous efforts of Nicole Schell back, Leanne Petersen and helpers, enough shirts were churned out to deck the House for the forthcoming swim- ming carnival. Followi ng a successful House barbeque which developed great internal integration, communication and House spirit, a practised and "usual" looking cheer squad led the House in cheering for our competitive and able swimming _,, team. Congratulations must go to Lisa Smith, who was awarded the 13 years age champion.

The Interhouse Athletics Carnival on Normandy Oval was held soon after the swimming competition, and Hirschfeld House performed well to clinch third position overall, as well as the awards of 16 years age champion and school champion athlete. Hirschfeld 's obvious spor ting prowess was demonstrated by having many House members such as Sancha Klassen, Susan Maddern and Susan Bendeich representing the State in different sports - cycling, water- polo and diving. No doubt the forthcoming lnterhouse gym- nastics and the new and novel "picnic races" day shall be resounding successes. On the 24th June, Hirschfeld House ably competed in the lnterhouse Choral competition, singing "Food, Glorious Food" and "Kum-Bye-Yah", after months of devoted prac- tice. Each girl who "survived" those months of practices; must be congratulated for her devotion, perseverance and House spirit. Again in 1982, Hirschfeld supported a child from Save the Children Fund; Abu! Kalam. Various activities were arrang- ed to raise money, including an Easter raffle, Cake Stall and a "teacher baby photo" competition organized by Year 8. "Variety" is also the word describing the House's school day activities, which include milkshakes, fairy floss, helium balloons and a water game. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Stratham, Mr Emery, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Barnes, Mrs Coulter, Miss Stephens, Susan Maddern and Catherine Curphey, without whom the success of this year would not have been possible. Best of luck in 1983! Jenny Stewart (House Captain)


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