1982 BGGS Magazine
School resumed again on April 19th and on the 28th a h referendum run by S.R.C., prefects and house captai began. Much to the surpri se of most, the majority was on two-thirds against hats. On the evening of May 8, the school rattled and shook the Fathers' Group Bush Dance and Barbeque, with t Bale 'em Up Bush Band. Monday the lOth of May saw a change to assembl Prefects began 'patrolling' assembly and the 'sin-bin' w introduced . The same day, was presented the secon prefects' skit on the hazards of smoking in public, especial when there are mysterious women lurking behind newspapers! On the afternoon of May 11, the field events Interhouse athletics were held, with the track even completed on May 14, with the day(s) going this year Griffith House.
The 1982 School year started off well on Tuesday, January 26th as a large number of year 12's greeted the new year 8's, gave them a brief rundown, a guided tour, a lot of advice and an afternoon of informative light entertainment. The next day, the entire school resumed as everyone caught up on 7 weeks' gossip (an exercise that lasted a couple of months!); timetables, teachers and text books sorted out and Year II and 12 elections for Prefects held. This first week saw the launching of a more comprehensive E.E.A. list and system. On Monday, February 8 the list of prefects was announced and a week later, the 15th, the official induction ceremony took place along with badges given to house captains. On the 19th of February the annual interhouse swimming carnival was held at Centenary Pool (sweat, sweat, pant!). Congratulations to England house. A week later an interschool Pre-swimming Carnival meet was held, and a fortnight after that, on March 12, we trooped along to Chandler by the busload to see our magnificent team close the gap on State High, from a score of 429 (B.S.H.S.) - 312 (B.G.G.S) last year, to 407 (B.S.H.S)- 312 (B.G.G.S.) this year. Well done team!
Saturday May 15 was the fashion event of the sch< calendar - the Extravaganza, a great success due to 1 efforts of Mrs Kennison and an endless list of girls.
Thursday, March 18, marked the first evening concert (one of several) held by the ever-growing School Music Department. On the 20th and 21st, four of five Waterpolo teams contested the Grand Finals- the teams, Under 14A, Under 16A, Under 18A and Open B. The Open B team came in first in their section, the others all in second place. The 29th of March rates a mention, because on this date the Year 12 Biology classes went off in all directions on the annual Biology Camp, and IT DIDN'T EVEN RAIN! On April 5th, the Prefects performed their first assembly skit on the state of the tuckshop queue. The first attempt at an interhouse athletics carnival was thwarted on Tuesday, April 6, by a heavy downpour - much to the dismay (?) of 800 girls who didn't have any books or pens or ·paper with them! Easter Break began on April 8th for a week and 2 days. 10
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