1982 BGGS Magazine
Have you ever tried walking down Queel) Street smiling .at people? They think that you're either trying out for a toothpaste ad or are an escapee from a Mental Institution! But back at school; it was pathetic to see dissent creeping in as we quibbled over hats and jumpers and the like. There was satisfaction when we worked together , as , for example, in raising money for the Guide Dogs for the Blind . There is an artificiality and a temporary nature about the school family , but as a working body it has great potential. Our School Day theme of "Unity and Community" put into practice can ma ke the sharing of five years a time of growth for both girl (especially with Tuckshop lunches) and Grammar. With friendship and openness as the binding forces, maybe a high goal can be common aim. Kathie Jeays .
Throughout 1982 one of the truths of Chemistry - i.e. the tendency to maximum randomization - came home to my scattered brain. It seemed that all attempts to unify the wo)' ld's people were painful, arduous and usually hopeless, and that wars and divisions occurred as spontaneous combustion. Seriously I concluded: A common goal is a high aim. Then I found that school is no different. As the school population increases, it's easier to ignore the swarms of Year 8's (and for that matter, 9' s, lO's, ll 's, and most embarrassingly, l2's) whom I don't know, and forget about their individuality as they stampede into assembly hall. The excuse that I have a kind of ochlophobia (that's crowds) and just can't cope with 800 girls is very weak, but rhaybe the idea that cities drain a lot of our friendliness will suffice.
Thanks for assistance Bronwen Bennett, Marcia Kewley, Alison Macintosh and Helen Wordsworth
Editor: Kathie Jeays Assistant Editors: Winnifred Lee & Josephine Thomi Graphics Editors: Suzanne White & Janet Gibson Photographers: Belinda Miller & Eva Huehne Assisting Teacher: Mrs Colwill
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