1981 School Magazine
INTROSPECTION Lights flash - black and white, Their shadows hide the evil darkness which seeps through me like a black smog polluting natural forests ol love. Bodies move together. And the blood of mad jealousy pulses through my non-elastic veins. Ol one mind: I am torn in love: Of the other: I am wrenched with hatred. Thoughts sound in the darkness like too many foghorns which try to guide my tug-boated heart to dock. Their voices call me in all directions. I lollow blindly that which sounds the loudest. 4nd yet, does fade as lthink its source is nearing. So I chug towards every slight hoot, any of which might be the true beacon to my peace of heart. And, still, do I lind nothing, but a thicker, damper and darker log. It stagnates around me and I remain lost in a deeper rnist of confusion. Ann
DREAMS Lost reality, trapped, lighting to escape the prison of life, Things past, those to come, There but yet not there, Hard to grasp and unfold into words, Video ol the deepest resources ol the mind, Waiting to play and replay, hauntingly, Search lor truth, love, life, True character revealed. Destiny undetermined, but searching.... Annette Magee l2Gibson
Continually cut, Not yet finished, This is myself. Round and round My life goes, Singing My happiness, My hates, My sadness, My loves.
Different grooves Of different songs, From different needles- Fifteen years can be found. Still I revolve, Trying to catch myself On the Axis of Life -
This is Myself. Winnifred Lee
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