1981 School Magazine



"Once we were in the 'Nuclear Age'," she said. "Nuclear-moving, Nuclear-heating, N uclear-fighting, Nuclear-beating. And the governments battled, The minority ruled. Their curtain of lies had the majority fooled." "Once we were in the 'Self Age"' she said. "Sel l-aspiring. Sell-acquiring. Sel l-pam perin g, Sel fl-perspirin g. Wars erupted eternally over a Cause: 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity' - When they really meant 'Slavery, Autocracy, So-long-as-it's-al1-for- M El"' "Once we were in the 'Peace Age'," she said.

"Peace-praying, Peace-proclaiming, Peace-iighting. Peace-campaign ing. Then, on newspapers, radio, television, It was 'Ripper Strikes', 'War of the Worlds', 'Hawaii 5-O' All shouted to us sitting in our chairs, no need to B.Y.O.." "Crash, Clunk, Boom, Bang! Violent-drinking, Violent-dreaming, Violent-living. Violent-screaming. 'No more peace, quiet and hirsh!' the minority said. And then, the majority became silent, To any law, they became defliant." "Then we were in the 'Suffering Age'," she said. "Suliering insult. Sullering spite. Suffering wrongs, Suffering plight. Not to inflict, meant to suffer oneself; The majority realized they were no longer to be led. Each person had to be society-motivated or the whole race would be dead." "Then we were in the 'Back-to-Nature Age'," she said. When we were all content and had enough to feed? "Then we were in the 'Inner Peace Age'," she said. "Inner knowlegde, Inner calm, Inner love, lnner balm. Only from within does anything start And only if inside, does anything stay. This also became the outer, day by day." "Now every sadness is almost forgotten," she said. "Forgotten-wars, Forgotten-banes, Forgotten-past, Forgotten-pains." I looked at my grandmother and her three eyes. "Don't be sorrowful, child - For a peaceful world, our suffering is mild." Winnifred Lee "Back to Yoga, Back to cows, Back to Zen, Back to ploughs. Scientilic progress halted, What was the need -

SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN They sold me the story of Christmas, Ol goodwill and peace thoughts on Earth, Ol white snow and neighbourly sentiments But I ponder and measure its worth. lf Russia is invading Poland, lraq drops more bombs on lran, Israel has to light for existence, So where is the "Brotherhood ol Man"?

ll Bialra suryiyes her defiance, Corruption, a social dlsease Will tear her to shreds with no mercy. Oh goodwill, come show your light p/ease. Yes, they sold me the story ol Christmas, They submerged me in oceans of lies; Once succumbed to their deepest ol passions, One tinally learns to be wise. Dark eyes burdened lrom experience, I've seen by walls tumble, and fall, And that, in itself, is a pity, l'm orphaned, and almost a score. So I don't give a damn about Christmas Or about, "someone who saved man from sin" The sooner we lace the reality, From our ocean of lies, we may swim.

Lisa Small (111)


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