1981 School Magazine

(d) 5 (d) 5 (d) 10 (d) 10 (d) 5 (d) I (d) 10 (d) 10 (d) s (d) 10

l. (a) 0 2. (a) o 3. (a) 0 4. (a) 0 s. (a) 0 6. (a) o 1. (a) 0 8. (a) 0 9. (a) 0 10. (a) 0 How do you 75 - 100

QIJIZ Are You a Trendy? l. Where do you go for the holidays? (a) home (b) a friend's place (c) The Coast (d) interstate/overseas 2. How do you spend your holidays? (a) sleeping (b) parties every night (c) watching the T.V. soapies and movies (d) going riding, camping, exploring etc. 3. What do yo do outside school? (a) homework (b) parties every night (c) go out with your friends eg. movies (d) learn some form of martial arts 4. What do you drink at parties? (a) water (b) soda water (c) mineral water (d) rum and coke 5. What do you wear to parties? (a) school uniform (b) disco pants (c) life line originals (d) comfortable, casual clothes 6. Where do you buy your clbthes? (a) Target (pronounced Tarjay) (b) Life Line (c) Sportsgirl (d) Katies 7. Do you have a boyfriend? (a) no (b) sometimes....when I feel like it (c) yes....we've been together for over 2 yearc (d) 105 to be exact 8. What sort of records do you buy? (a) nursery rhymes (b) ABBA


b) b) b) b) b) b)

10 l

I l0


(c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c)

5 5

l0 5 I 5 10 5




b) (b)




How do you do it? You're a trend through and through. Peo- ple can't help noticing you, you seem to have that ability to make heads turnl! Your life style allows you to spend a minium on clothes and personal hygene so you can spend maxium time at social functions etc, etc. Congratulations on being classed "a trendy".....its an exclusive society up there. 50-75 You nearly make the trendy label. Unfortunately your appearance and taste in music etc has let you down. Perhaps il you get rid of the Split Enz records and shave your head you'll be accepted as a trendy. 25-50 With a "little" more effort you mights just make it with the trendies. Listen Ducky, Katies just isn't the place for clothes and steady boylriends flew out the window along with the leg shaving razor. 0-25 You're a hopeless case. Nothing what-so-ever can be done to help you, so I don't see any point in suggesting areas where you might be able to irnprove.

(c) David Bowie, Split Enz, Chicago etc. (d) obscure, unheard of, new wave groups 9. Which is your favourite movie? (a) "Lassie" (b) "Love Story" (c) "AmericanGraffiti" (d) "Fame" 10. What best describes your appearance? (a) long plaits with big ribbons, unblemished skin, big frilly dress, flat sandals, glasses (b) unstyled hair, hand-me-down clothes, oily and greasy skin, old shoes. (c) neat, style-cut hair, clean, radiant skin, casual clothes, small amount of make-up (d) short spiky hair, old fashioned clothes, no clean pointy shoes or perhaps no shoes. well fitting perfume, but


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