1981 School Magazine


CONTEMPLATIOIV The wind blows .steadily down the street, As a lone shadow moyes onwards,' Sound omitted. My heart aches as I think of.... My lr"fe ahead. Will marriage bind me Within the pillows of security? Will I be broken into the realms of, Motherhood? A life alone leaves... Prospects yet to be defied. Yet to love - I must love myself,

Lile is limited The will and desire ol man to live is linite. Yet we have no choice in that which determines The worth ol our life. Il we are struck in youth Our lile is an unfinished dream, never to be recollected

but to remain suspended and uncertain in the rninds ol those around us. Yet il we continue through maturity Our lives lose the briskness and quality they have developed as they become stale and disfigured with age and wrinkles. But if we choose to sever ourselves in maturity, alter development yet belore degradation, Our lives would seen.r

But this I seldom consider. What i.s my purpose on earth If I feel worth not guaranteed. I am myself, a soul - Gratified. Maybe someday I will be loved as... ME, MYSELF, I. K. A. Davis

more perl'ect and complete. S. Mickan


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