1981 School Magazine
Year Nine Camp Report The Scene:
side...the boarders skit...the waterfall and the rain- f'orest...seeing the possum...talking to the cows...lolly feasts in the cabins at night...
The Staffroom. Several stalf are trying to write a coherent report on what happened to them at....(dreaded word) "The Camp". Staff One: How does this sound? A camp was held at Bornoffen in the Gold Coast hinterland. It was... Stafl Two: Stop! Stop! That's boring! The camp was not like that. It was... Staff Three: I've a brilliant idea. (A light bulb apprears above head). Let the girls tell about the camP!!l Time passes. A report is produced: it consists ol students comments.l!?? AND HERE IT ISI THE SAGA OF THE YE,AR NINE CAMP AS TOLD BY THOSE WHO LIVED THROUGH THE ORDEAL! (Roll ol the drums!) Food...,Sausagesl Sausagesl and more Sausagesl What's green and wobbles? Burnt hamburgers - never was much good at cooking lor myself...great lood.'.lots of it...apples...it was better than I had expected... Accommodation... camping out was fun...the tents were too small, we couldn't fit two rucksacks, two sleeping bags, our pillows, transistor' teddy-bears and us into the tent for an over-night camp...Bornhoffen was better - it had clean toilets..' Activities... liked Astronomy...Alibi was fun - the butler did not do it...liked the Olympics...hikes were good...spot-lighting was great...got scared in the cave...the concert and the teacher's and Seniors skit was funny... General... make the camp longer...thanks for a great camp..'lot of lreedom for walking and talking.'.got to know kids and teachers better...it was fun...the teachers trusted us..'learnt about myself and others... Memories... seeing the glow worms and the Natural Arch.'.getting up at L30 am to move out of soaking tents...wet shoes with mud in- (-
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