1981 School Magazine
PRINCIPAL'S REPORT presented at the End-of-Year Assembly Friday 2lst November, 1980 Your Excellency, Lady Ramsay, Dr. Gehrmann, Distinguised guests, Parents, Staff and Girls. It is with much pleasure Sir, that in your capacity as official visitor to the school, I welcome you and Lady Ramsay here in the l05th year of Brisbane Girls' Grammar School. On your previous visits you have had the oportunity to meet and mix with various sections of the school community but this is the first occasion on which you have been present with us at the end of year assembly and prize giving. Such oc- casions not only give us all an opportunity to review the work done in the school during the past year and to acclaim the high academic achievements of those girls who have worked conscientiously and consistently throughout the year, but also to look forward to the year ahead and the challenges it ollers. During the year Mr. Clarence Arbuckle resigned from the Board ol'Trustees. where his contribution in the area of finan- cial management was much appreciated' I am particularly grateful for his help and support during the past three years. Fle has been replaced by Mr. Richard Bernays, a chartered accountant, who is a nominee of the Minister for Education. At the beginning of the school year, and during the year, we
planning. Changes in administration have also allowed the in- creased participation by stall in the decision-making process in the school and have increased the opportunities for staff prolessional development. The House system that has been slowly re-introduced over the parst three yezrrs was lormalised at the beginning of 1980 rvith stall appointed to the positions ol House Mistresses. Each girl now theoretically has at least three staflresponsible {'or her pastoral care - the House group Mistress or Master, the Level Supervisor and the House Mistress. With lurther refinement, this organisation can only benefit the individual girl. Prelects were re-introduced during the year, and, in con- junction with other positions such as House Captains, House group Seniors, Student Representative Council members, ind Class Captains, provide even greater opportunities for girls to develop leadership skill and sell confidence.
welcomed a number of new stall including: Mrs. Belle Gillies, B.A., Cert. Ed. Maths
Mrs. Shirley Levy, Dip.T. Dip. Ed., M. Ed. St., A.A.S.A. (Prov) Mrs. Patricia Marshall, M.A., Dip.Ed. Mrs. Ba Coulter, B.A., B.Ed. Miss Carol da Costa-Roque, B.A., Dip.Ed. Miss Beverley Paterson, M.A. Miss Wendy Williamson, DiP.T. Mrs. Colleen Jones, B.Sc., DiP.Ed. Mr. Ian Stuart, B.Sc., DiP.Ed., M.App"Sc. Mrs. Roberts
English English
History/English English/ Economics Physical Education Science
Science Homecraft - Grade 8
Mrs. Patricia Zamora, B.Mus. Music Department Mrs. Audrey Thiele, B.Ed., and Mrs. Shirley Levy, Dip.T. We appreciate their contribution to the school and wish them well in the future. Mrs. McConachie is retiring after five years as a resident mis- tress in the boarding school and I am sure she will be sadly missed by many ol the girls who have come to know her so well. Mrs. Judith Smerdon was appointed as secretary to the prin- cipal after the retirement of Mrs. Meg Bunt' who had been secretary to Miss Nancy Shaw and then to me. I am most gratelul to Mrs. Bunt lor her help and support' particularly during diilicult times; we wish her well in her retirement' During 1980 changes in the school administration have oc- curred. Mr. Christopher Madden, B.A., M.Ed.' was ap- pointed assistant to the principal in June and he quickly settl- ed into the routine of the school. I much appreciate Mr. Madden taking some of the day-to-day administrative tasks away lrom me, thus freeing my time for more discussions with stall at all levels and for the development ol forward
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