1981 School Magazine
Miss Gibson, as our victorious leader; our Gibson-House i.u.tt"rt; the lovable Senior class, who were so supportive; "Jnuiu.uf f V to the whole of Gibson Housel 1982 can only be a better year if that is Possible' Karen Schultz (on behalf ol Year i2)
Gibson House Withmuchadoandeffortonthepartofonelovablesenior' th" lGibson House Report' finally comes into being' Gibson ii""*, .",","on'y referred to as ihe worshippers of a purple bean-bag, have had an enjoyable 1981! The characteristic of this 'House of the Purple' is its inherent i"u*-tpirit. The inter-house swimming carnival and the ffitr'nuy, where Gibson managed a respectable fourth' was "uia"n." ol this. Our year l2 Amazons, resplendent in purple ouruptt"rnutla, paraded their wares in order to make Gibson' If i.it,, trt. loubest housel The Round Robin was enjoyed by^ ;il^il'*", t'tuppy little Grape-Apes, tried our hardest (if nothing else). Perhaps we Gibsonites may not be prospective 'loan Sutheilands, but I am certain that we gave a unique' if .orn"*ttut 'different' rendition of Song of Joy and Close "E;;;t D;", for the Choral competition' Contrary to popular U"fi"i *" were not the Wooden Spooners! (we were a mighty 6th!) The intellectual, vibrant and quite disorganised senior class orsanised a House BBQ and ayear 12f year 8 Dinner' both ol *n-i.n *.r. thoroughly enjoyed. A special thanks must be given to Toots. Recognition must be given also to year t0 who, under the able ;;t;;il of Mrs. Spfkerboer, organised cake-stalls to raise funds lor the Wheelies. Year 9 ran an absolutely brilliant bottle stall on School Day and the (in)famous year 11 play appears most promising after the difficulties theY faced. School Day in 1981 was a success mainly due to our own Eskimo bananas (or so fanatical Grape-Apes would believe)' r would hasten to assure everyone that those tasty chocolate blobs on paddle-pop sticks were bananas' Our efforts were not in vain and we amassed quite a considerable amount' Mr' S.t.rut,, kindly donated a miniature' hand carved leather sad- dle to our worthY cause' Lastly, what would Gibson House be without House- urr"mbli"tt Ms Yates, that E'nglish whiz' and Mr' Bartholomew, our 'adopted' History teacher, enlightened. us *it}t tutt t about that unknown 'quantity'"' the University' fn" Crape-Rpe Saga too, in its inaugural year has been an example of unexcelled literary brilliance (the creator' yours truly, cannot be too biased!)-Tarzan, Jane; Dr' Gibson' the ;C.J"t H' and our resident uilluin must all be given a special thanks I
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