1981 School Magazine
England House Report, 1981 House Colour - Light Blue House Mistress - Mrs. SwaYne E,ngland House started the year well with a victory at the Intir-house Swimming Carnival. This was very encouraging, and House spirit was high. Our next victory was in the Grade 8 Inter-house Netball' Congratulationil Ho*euer, they were not as successful in the Intei-house softball. Their fund-raising effort was a cake stall, where they raised over $40. Grade 9 England participated in the Inter-house softball and netball competitions. They held a very successful popcorn stall during ihe lunch hours, and also held a class carwash. Grade l0 E,ngland have participated actively in the Inter- house volleyball competition and had a very successful Easter Egg raffle. Grade I I England offered their sportswomen for the Inter- house swimmlng and Inter-house athletics. They held a sweet stall, and also raffled a beautiful snake, made by 'Howie'. Grade l2 England did organization for all the house ac- tivities. One of these was the outing to the Munich Steakhouse. This proved to be a great success, and we all had an enjoyable night out. Another success was the England House Barbeque. After 'munching' on the delicious delicacies supplied by the girls, we enjoyed the movie 'A Little Romance'.
Ruth Cameron conducted the House choir in the Inter-house Choral Competition. Even though we were not successful' it was a worthwhile exercise, encouraging non-sporting girls to be involved. The Inter-house Athletics Carnival was another event where we didn't quite make it in the top fivel However, we are proud to acknowledge that Grainia King won the in- dividual trophy lor year l2 and shared the trophy for overall champion. England House also entered the Inter-house Debating Co"mpetition. This was organized by Lenore Taylor, and the team did very well. Our biscuit stall on School Day wasn't around for long, as our quality was excellent. A tremendous effort was made by all the girls. Our sincere thanks go to Mrs. Swayne and all the House- Group teachers who devote so much of their valuable time to hetping us with all our House efforts' Grade l2 England wish the House every success in 1982, and thank Mrs. Swayne for being such a perservering House M istress. I would like to personally thank my Vice-Captain: Jenny Claringbould, Sports Captain: Ann Leung, all House-Group Seniori and Mrs. Swayne for helping and supporting me through the year. Julie Cleghorn (House Captain)
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