1981 School Magazine

clue Marie Bremner was botn in Brisbane in 1957, and is an old girl of B.G.G.s. In July, 1gg0 exhibition, a series of nostalgic watercolours. She is currently wirking as a An interest i1 old photogtaphs and old clothes led her to a study of the B.G.G.S. Archives, dwigned and made copies of garments worn by the girls 60 years ago, Youngfriends modelled the unifttms in and around school baildings, and the artist evoked the small series of watercolours. The cover shows a line,lr.aw.!ryg adaptedfrom the painting purchased by B,G.G.S. in which the verandah of the old bailding. Sketches on the back cover are based on old photographs in the School Archives.

she held her first solo

freelaice illustrotor and designer.

and from sketches she

atmosphere of 1920 in a

a trio of school girls idles on

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