1981 School Magazine
Head Girls Report Tuesday 21 lt l8l
ts l3l8t Andrea and I attended our lirst G.p.S. School Captains' meeting at St. Margaret's accompanied by Mrs. Hancock, Desley Ashton and Alison McAdam. Subsequent meetings have been real eye-openers. 6l4l8t Susan Wilson, Grainia King, Julie Cleghorn, Margaret .loughin, Kate Takken, Mary pearson, Susan White, Andrea and I were inducted as Prefects before the school much to the embarrassment of some of us who due to nervousness forgot our lines although we remembered to open and close our mouths in time with those who didn't forget. Kathy Tilbury joined our ranks later in April and at the end of third term, Debbie Allman, Jenny Batersby, Merryl Markwell, Heather R.obinson and Kristen White were appointed prefects.
All the year eight House Group Seniors, House captains and ourselves rnet with Miss J. O'Sullivan and Mrs. Lynch at 1.00 pm in the seminar rooms to prepare for the ne*eit additions to the school who were to receive their first taste of B.G.G.S. the following day. 28lt l8t ORIENTATION DAY for year 8's and year ll's. The morning passed without incident. The rather bewilderecl year 8's were left to our mercy lor the second half of theday during.which_time they were hopefully entertained by a uni_ lorrn skit and a bus behaviour skit lollowed bv enthusiastic renderings of the school war cry and getting-to-know_you games. (-.Little did they know that the alorementioned games were really a.subterfuge lor our indoctrination programme promoting school spirit. 2e lt l8t School resumed rnuch to everyone,s joy or despair depending on how good their holidays were.
t0l4l8t The lirst Old Girls' Chamber Music Concert was held and enjoyed by all those who attended. Also enjoyed was the wine and cheese supper afterwards. t t l4l8t Some lucky members of year l2 were given valuable work ex- perience. The Prefects were the official waitresses for the first end of term sports dinner attended by the swimming squad, water-polo teams, life-saving teams, softballers and basket- ballers. Thanks must go to Mrs. Short for all the organization she put into that evening and each ol the ensuing sports di n n ers. t4l4l8t The B.G.G.S. Choir performed the Stabat Marte in St. John's Cathedral. t 5 l4l8t As well as the B.G.G.S. End of Term Music Department Concert there was an exciting and joyous event taking place just over the road in the Great Hall at B.G.S. - the widding of Miss Pauline Harvey and Mr. Brian Short. 2t-241418t Combined Music Camp 21l4l8t Major Robert Breen gave an excellent and thought- provoking address which was enjoyed by both stalf ind students at our ANZAC assembly. 615 l8t The results of the Combined Music Camp were heard at the Combined Grammar Schools' Concert held at B.G.S.
25l2l8t England House won the inter-house swimming carnival held this year at Centenary Pools. All houses showld great spirit and ingenuity in their cheer squad uniforms. Those orange bloomers were mind-boggling. t4l3l8t Not only was this the G.P.S. Swimming Competition, it was also the debut ol the 1981 B.G.G.S. Cheer Squad who had been practising religiously lor weeks before the big day. Congratulations to the s,uvimming team on their excellent per- formance. As far as we're concerned you're number one.
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