1980 School Magazine
E.32 A guitar hums softly Amid the pleasant drone of young voices. Rollers run back and forth, And colours splash, conformingly. A rainbow man, sitting astride, lies before me, On an expansion of white, Still; yet full of movement. The pastels fill the outline, Speaking to the observer. The yellow sky and corners of the room Reflect the soul of works within; The guitar now only gently caressed, As a girl's voice reaches out anonymously. Water gushes f rom the taps, saturating the tools That so skilfully used; are savagely treated, Art bizl and l'/odern Masters.
MATHS LESSON Of twenty girls, nineteen can comprehend; The other sits quite silently, in pain And thinks and thinks, and prays the time will end Through parted lips and eyes that seem insane. Of twenty girls, nineteen can think of work; The other screams in silence at her book. Realities of failure ceaseless lurk, Hidden by a bored, rebellious look. Oh teacher, do not think she doesn't care. Do not believe the sullen-looking eyes; Rejection all too quickly meets despair, The lifeless look a living mind belies. And through the misty valleys of my mind Understanding f lees - impossible to find. Rebecca Riggs.
How true of E. 32. Caroline Kennison.
The radio goes on, Blaring out the music That keeps my eyes awake As they wander use/ess/y over the mothy text. White from the page
Begins to merge with The black of the print Till a beat wakes it and Livens it till tapping feet And jumping letters dance To the music. "We don't need no education" Comes over the black box with its Black and white dial which, Doesn I groove lo the music. Unlike the facts,
That 'punk' their way out of my thirsty brarn. N. DeBuse, 12E
A LESSON Listen to this tape, she says, And take notice, she says; Of the language - she says. What do you think? she asks. How dc you feel? she asks. What is the theme? she asks. Don't do that - she commands. Leave the room - she commands. See me at lunch - she screams! I turn and gaze, complacent Towards her, Not worryrng about the punishment But looking forward to the argument; That we both know lwill win
Caroline Kennison.
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