1980 School Magazine

the Tuckshop. The new floor covering has been laid, laminex tops have been fitted to the benches, tiles have been laid in the entrance, perspex covers for hygiene in the serving area have been erected and the whole area was painted. Hopefully our mothers who so willingly work rn providing this service to the girls have ap- preciated the more pleasant surroundings. Thanks to the combined efforts oJ Mrs. Marie Murray and Mrs. Fay the Tuckshop continues to be a service to the girls providing quite a wide variety of food and at the same time giving the Association an income. After a long association with the school we will be sorry to lose Mrs. Fay's conf ident ability. We welcome Mrs. Liz Bulley's offer to look after this area of activity in 1981. Within the area of the Tuckshop we have located the Sta- tronery Shop. This facility is also open every day and stocks everything that our daughters could need. A new line being introduced this year is a School Diary which will have the school crest on the cover. As a result of the many hours spent by the Clothing Shop Convenor, Mrs. Rita Davidson in contacting suppliers, comparing prices and making sure of the quality and continuity of supply, this area of activity continues to be a highly efficient, smooth running operation providing the Association with a substantial income. Because of Rita's ability to work with people she has gathered around her a band of very willing workers whose help is greatly appreciated by the Association. All school uniform requlrements are stocked; both dress and sporting. Also all badges - school, house, etc. - hat bands and ties can only be purchased at our Clothing Shop. A special thank you must be given to Mrs. Rolene Orford who this year has compared methods of distribution of books at other schools and also has studied the various offers of major book suppliers. As a result of this the Ex- ecutive is conf ident of a successf ul operation in 1980-81 . Pellegrinis will supply and sell all books required by all our students. The professional staff from Pellegrini's store will handle the selling of the books from the Auditorium on the Saturday before school resumes bet- ween 1 and 8 p.m. and all day on Tuesday. Pellegrinis will give the school 10% of the total sales, so we are hoping for overwhelming support. Special arrangements are being made for boarders' requirements and we feel sure that Pellegrinis system is well worth trying in an endeavour to have all students supplied with the correct books before school resumes. Mrs. Alison Minson has been working behind the scenes all year to ensure that once again we will have a well- organised sale of second hand books at the end of .1980. All girls will be supplied with a list of books they can return for resale so that every advantage can be taken by parents of this avanue of supply before ordering new books. A great number of hours are given by many mothers in these areas of activity and the time spent is greatly ap- preciated by the Association. lt is hoped that they have had lots of laughs and pleasant communication between other mothers as well as the reward of achieving something. This year we began looking forward to 1981 when the school year will change to four terms. We felt that with the number of meetings already held during a term that it

that war. He said how proud he was to treat such noble young men at the time of their rnjuries, and of his humility in the presence of such valour. On the evening of the bus accident, I entered the Casualty-lntensive Ward Section of my hospital with my surgrcal registrar. There I saw two girls lying on stretchers, their bodies lacerated beyond belief . I spoke to each in turn, asking how they were, and each replied, "l am alright, thank you Doctor"" I have never known such a feeling of com- passion to come over me in 20 years of service to my hospital, and had to leave the room for a short time to regain my composure. Later that eventng, driving home after seeing all the girls, I thought of my experiences and realised that I had been privileged to see the n bility of youth, at the time of adversity. So my first message to you is - realise the nobility of your youth. Often, after the accident, lwould go and see the girls in the Wards - just to say 'hello'. Many times when I entered the Ward, I would see a number of girls f rom the school visiting their sick f riends, and the love that shone from their eyes and their faces was very beautiful to behold. So my second message to you - realise your love to your f rrends and your parents. My third message is - remember the dignity of womanhood which each and everyone of you possess, so that in ihe future, when times may be a little hard, and the future itseif seems insecure, remember your nobility, your love, your dignity, reach out, reach for the stars, reach for the goal to which you would aspire, and which I fervently hope you will attain. REPORT OF P. & F. ASSOCIATION 1980 began with the Association helping the Board of Trustees tn investigating the purchase of an Outdoor Education Centre. Members of the Parents & Friends Association were able to assist in many ways and to pre- sent the views of the groups of parents on the project. Although this particular purchase did not eventuate I feel it was an excellent example of what the Parents & Friends Association is all aboutl One of its main func- tions as lsee it, is communication. lt provides a direct and strong link between parents and the school. The convenors of the various sub-committees who are an important part of the Executive also provide a means of communication between the girls and the school. The efforts of the parents have assisted in - (a) providing the means for improving school services, e.g. sporting equipment, musical instruments (early this year we supplied a euphonium and timpani), photocopier (b) making the school a more comfortable place for study, e.g. ceiling fans, concrete paths (c) providing services to the girls, e.g. tuckshop, sta- tionery shop (d) helping to ease the f inancial burden on parents, e.g. clothing shop, second-hand books. Once again it has been proven that a busy person gets things done and Mrs. Shirley Fay, with her small commit- tee, has achieved great changes in the appearance of

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