1980 School Magazine

England Hot-rse organized for School Dail f rom April until Saturday 4th of October. We were divided into eight groups - Chinese, Continental, Greek, lndian, ltalian and Vegetarian food groups, and organization and decoration groups. We offered a wide range of main courses, desserts and drinks by either self or sit down service at our Continental Bakehouse. Staff and girls worked extremely hard and it was most rewarding, as over $9OO was raised. We were also responsible for dispiays on School Day and Leonie wlth the help of staff and girls organized club sport and schoolwork displays which were apprectated by the many people who saw them. A special thanks must go to Mrs. Swayne whose time and effort was greatly valued in making the day a SUCCESS. The lnterhouse soorts events this year were enjoyed by all who participated. We congratulate Grainia King (11) who performed outstandingly in the Athletics by winning the most points gained by any single competitor. Other outstanding performances were made by Susan McCann (B) and Mandy McLennon (11) in Swimming and Alison Overland (11) in G.P.S. Athletics. We are proud to acknowledge Cathy Rees (12) as School Sports Captain and also as the School Netball and Softball Captain; Lisa Staniforth (12) as School Athletics Captain and Debbie Thiess (12) as School Hockeir Captain. On the academic side we acknowledge Rebecca Riggs (12) as School Debating Captain and commend her for winning first prize in the School Public Speaking com- petition. We also commend Barbara Hodgson (11) for winning a poetry prize and were proud of the members of Englanci House who participated in the school play, the combined school's play and the Jean Trundle Drama competition. We have all gained much f rom the organization of extra curricular activities within the House system. We thank the staf f and glrls who have made this possible throughout the year and wish England House every suc- cess in the future. Amanda Davidson and Karen lrwin (House Reporters).


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