1980 School Magazine

LILLEY HOUSE REPORT The year kicked off to a great start for Lilley House as we continued to win Round Robin Swimming Days one after another. Finally, as the Round Robin Swimming drew to a close, Lilley remained undefeated. Congratulations and thanks to Lilley members who participated so suc- cessfully and with such spirit. Wednesday, 20th February was the lnter-House Swimm- ing. House spirit was once again running high. Grade 12 members were all decked out in the new Lrlley House T-shirts" At the final outcome, Lilley came third - a good effort. Thanks to everyone who competed, and cheered so long and hard. Fund-raising within Lilley has been very vigorous and rewarding. Activities to raise funds have mainly included sweet stalls, frozen-drink stalls and milkshake stalls.'10 Lilley gave an Easter party for the children at the Valley Creche and Kindergarten Centre on Thursday, 3rd April. Both the grade 10's and the children really enjoyed themselves. Sue Ure, Nerida Dore, and Louise Pillow of 12 Lilley made a film for School Day - "Days of our Drearies" - B.G.G.S.'s biggest box-office seller ever! Lilley was fortunate enough to be able to help pay the school fees of Simon Parmola, a Kenyan boy, who other-

wise may not have been able to continue his education. We often received letters f rom Simon, which were very interesting and they showed us how worthwhile oLrr sponsorship of him was. On 29th April, Lilley had a house barbeque. We played games to get all the members mixing with each other. After the really yummy steakburgers that we had for tea, all the different forms put on skits, and the night finished with singing and guitar-playing and of course, war-cries. For School Day this year, Lilley catered for Take-Away food and drinks" lt was a big job and a great success and all our thanks must go to Mrs. Thornquist. Without her help, not only with School Day but with all the activities we've had this year, we would never have managed. Special thanks also to the House Group Seniors and the individual Lilley House members who have been par- ticularly supportive. Most importantly, thanks to the whole of Lilley - we've had a great year - and that is a result of the effort that everyone of you has put in. Enjoy yourselves next year and Good Luck!

Anna Nolan - Lilley House Captain.




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