1980 School Magazine

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Diane Connor

Every time you look at me My heart goes pitter, patter Please don't ever look This way Unless I really matter.

The telephone rang and the young lover sprang Up onto her feet with joy. She reached for the handie While knocking over the candie And leaving it roll down hali. She answered polrtely without thinking How unsightly she'd been to hint the night before But that was forgiven as love is a prison of happiness, love and wisciom.

I hope we are the music makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams Wandertng Dy lone sea breakers And sitting by desolate streams.

I hope we come together And wish true love to slarl So float lrke a feather Come close to my heart.

Pigs forever. . . . Pig Power Think pink. . . . think pig Powered pigs rule supreme. . Pigs forever in pink palaces" Pink, powered pigs supreme take world by SNOBI. . . . by Rodney Pig Esq.

I used to love on winter nights To lie and dream alone Of all the rare and real delights My lonely years had known. But now I'd love on winter nights To lie and dream with you

Of all things together We'd really like to do.


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