1979 School Magazine
OKTOBERFEST Of all German festivals, the one most popular and best known is the Oktoberfest, which takes place in Munich, the oldest city in Germany. On the 17th October, 1810, Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria, married Princess Therese. To celebrate this oc- casion, the subjects of Munich were given a holiday. The celebration took place in a meadow later named the Therese Meadow. lt was such a success that ever since it has been held in the same place. lt was gradually lengthened and extended into September, when tlre weather was finer. The Oktoberfest runs for_16 days, always ending on the 1st Sunday in October. Each year, consumptio"n at tn" festival amounts to 41,/z millioh lities of bebr; t0-0,d00 dozen pork sausages (Weisswurst); and 45,000 Oozen barbecue chickens. The German CIub in Brisbane celebrates this festival each year, although not on such a Iarge scale. At Thornlands (a large "meadow" at Cleveiand) a large tent is erected, as well as surrounding stalis. Heie, everyone is welcome to join in the festivities, which in_ clude German singing, dancing and eating (sausage, pastry and Gingerbread hearts). Next year, take your family and f riends to ,taste' a bit of German culture ! Nerida Harris and Jenny Scells. The German gingerbread hearts are quite a feature of the festivities. Many German families make their own and decorate them with icing and sayings such as ICH LIEBE DICH and KUSS N/tCH Here is the recipe for those who may want to try it. GINGERBREAD HOUSE..GINGERBREAD FI EARTS.. OKTOBERFEST LEBKI.I CFiEN lngredients: B oz. castor sugar, g1/z oz. treacle, 31/z oz. butter, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, i tablespoon ginger, 2 - Zt/z gills of milk, 1 tabtespoon bicarbonate ot sbOa, 2 lbs. pTain f lou r. Baking: 175oC (345"F) about j5 minutes. Mel.t the sugar, treacle, fat and spices over gentle heat. Add the milk and allow the mixture to cooll Stir in the bicarbonate and most of the flour Cover with the remaining flour and set the dough aside in a cold place until the following day. Work the dough until smooth on the baking table. lt shou,ld then be quite stiff, so that the cut_out pitterns do not flow, and lose their shape during baking. Roll the dough until smooth and 1/q inch thick. Cut out the designs (hearts for Oktoberfest). Bake the biscuits. Allow the hearts to cool on the baking sheet. (Makes B depending on size of design). FrostinE: 1 egg white, B oz. icing sugar, 1 teaspoonful lemon juice. Mix the egg white, sugar and lemon juice. Beat the icing until it thickens and retains its shape. pipe decorations on the hearts through u p"p", tube with a fine hole in the tip. Sweets which are used for decorating may be secured firmly with smalt blobs of icing.
DEUTCHES W@RTSPIFL The words are in all directions - vertically, horizontally, diagonally, backwards. The letters are often used more than once, and there are none left over.
TONEHEFDNA andrehen - to swrtch, turnihn - him da - there ihnen - them Deutsch - German not - need dieb - thief nun - now distrikt - district drollig - funny dom - cathedral schar - group
rechte - the right ruhe - calm, quiet
eile - haste frei - free gespenst - ghost grau - grey hand - hand hefe - yeast
schau - show, exhibition schrei - to scream schuh - shoe schule - school schuss - shot
seit - since heule - to howl (1 st person) sitze - to sit ltst person) heute - today stern - star huhn - chicken tod - death hund - dog Ulm - town in Germany hut - hat zeh - toe Wendy Armstrong, 6E
Fiona-Fox, 64 Anne Jell, 6E
SCI-IULE unnachgiebige gebaude glocken kreischen Verlust kafig knalt zu
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