1979 School Magazine
E.E.A. E.E.A. (Extension Education Activities) is designed to 'educate' in traditionally non-academic areas and en- courage an interest in those areas which are just as vital to complete character development as academic sub- jects are to the mind. The E.E.A. activities are also great f un and include such a varieiy of activities as photography, abseiling, service, yeast cookery, cooking for all occasions, drama, first-aid, diving, local history, beliefs of the world, personal development (affectionat6- ly known as P.D.), tatting, golf (sometimes), crocheti.ng, macrame, and creative music. So, if you're a junior who has been wondering what strange disease attacks the Grade 1 1 's and 12's on Thursday afternoons (other than pre-Fridayitis!) hopefully your mind has been set at rest and you can look forward to some very stimulating and rewarding experiences on Thursday afternoons. c.B.
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