1979 School Magazine

SCHOOL DAY This year's school day, under the capable direction of Miss Boyd, was run very successf ully. A new overall con- cept was devised in which each oJ the newly formed houses were given a theme to work with and the fifth form house directors proceeded from this point to organise all the form within their house around this theme. Lilley's theme was Sesame Street. They com- mandeered the western wing and provided all sorts of substantial food stuffs. Gibson's theme was the Circus and they provided entertainment in the way of a haunted house, slosh'ems and various other amusements. England, with its Hansel and Gretel theme, turned the Old Assembly hall into a dentist's nightmare, with enough cakes and sweets to go around everyone. Woolcock's theme was the Wild West and they ran the arts and crafts stall, with a liberal amount of hay strewn across the floor, and Hirschfeld house ran the produce stalls, under the theme of Down on the Farm, selling cheese, fruit vegetables and plants. Griffith house ran a mixture of attractions including a poster shop and after- noon teas. The sixth form once again ran the traditional fashion parade, with carefully auditioned sixth form girls.acting as models. Thanks must go to Miss Boyd and the com- mittee for the organization of the parade, which was the biggest and most popular ever run. (There was standing room only in both performances.) Mr. Barry Warden and the girls in the Concert Band who provided the music for the parade, must also be thanked. The library was a hive of activity again this year, with its substantial display on the Year of the Child, being sup- plemented by a continuous Iive concert by the girls. Musical performances and other displays were also held continuously on the flag pole lawn. Special thanks go to .the B.B.C. Pipe Band who gave a performance on the day. This year's school day was the biggest and most elaborately organized we have ever seen. Once again, thanks go to Miss Boyd, the qtaff and the fifth form Cap- tains. The house system was a new idea and considering this the day ran very smoothly. Angela Brown.


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