1979 School Magazine

October 'l2th The grade 12's thoroughly enjoyed their end of school Formal, "l7th Finals of the Acie Gillies String Competition, Woodwind and Brass, Vocal and also Wight Medal Competitions. Future Dates: Oetober 1gth G.P.S. Gymnastics 24lh lnteract held an assembly and made national sweets from all over the world to celebrate United Nations Day. 28th Some chosen grade 11 girls accompanied the three head girls to a G.P.S. conference to learn various leadership skills. 27lh Concert Band Tour 1o Townsville 2Bth November

6th End of the Life Be ln lt games. 23rd School ends for grade .12's.

THIRD TERM: August Holidays

Outdoor activities club weekend trip to Giraween National Park.

30th School finishes for grades B to 11.

Twenty students and three teachers enjoyed a light-weight camping trip on Fraser lsland-for a week. A trip to the Snowy Mountains and also one to ltaly were also held.

September 11th The Grade'12's sat for the Australian Scholastic 12th Aptitude test f rom which Tertiary Entrance Scores are gauged. 22nd School Day - The Governor, Sir James Ramsay, officially opened our auditorium complex and the memorial garden to all those involved in the bus accident. The entire school united to make school day a tremendous success. 21st All art enthusiasts had a wonderul evening at the Old Girls'Art Show.

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