1979 School Magazine
STAMFORD ENDOWMENT FUND This year it has been my privilege as a mother of two Grammar girls to work for two other little girls who have a special place in the hearts and minds of all those associated with B.G.G.S. I refer to Rachael and Rebecca Stamford and The Stamford Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund has been successful and has helped B.G.G.S., through the Board of Trustees, to carry out a special responsibility to one of its late teachers. The lesson to be gleamed f rom The Fund is that often we are left wrth unexpected responsibilities over and above those laid down by our constitutions. I am indebted, that on this occasion, those responsibilities have been met by a large percentage of Parents, Students, and Friends of B.G.G.S. However, it is to the Students, both past and present, to whom I wish to pay tribute. Your support has been very generous, befitting the traditions held by your school. I would like to record my pride in you in your magazine. l.P. Given, Convenor, Stamford Endowment Fund
Mr. John Stamford B.Ed.St., T.C. (Kelvin Grove), Qld. Dip. Animal Husb. (1974), Dip. Outdoor Education, was a man of considerable experience in outdoor education and had great ability as an organiser and motivator of young people. He was appointed to the staff of Brisbane Girls' Gram- mar School in July 1975 as a teacher of Science. Prior to this appointment he taught at Camp Hill State High School (1969), Pittsworth State High (1970) then the Scots College & P.G.C., Warwick (1971-July 1975). Between 1975-'1977 Mr. Stamford became increasingly involved in many extra curricular activities at Brisbane Girls' Grammar School. He undertook leadership roles at all school camps organised during that period and was responsible for the instigation of weekend outdoor ac- tivities associated with the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme. It became increasingly apparent that he had special skills and experience associated with organising and in- volving children. ln October 1977 Mr. Stamford applied for and was granted special Commonwealth Funding under the auspices of the Association of lndependent Schools in Queensland, to become a student in the 12 months post graduate course, Diploma of Outdoor Education, at Kelvin Grove College of Advanced Education during 1978. The aims of this course were to enable the graduate to attain appropriate levels of competency in leadership skills and satety and instructional skills in out- door pursuits. During this course the students were in- troduced to all aspects of outdoor activities and Mr. Stamford was involved in eleven different camping situa- tions under supervision ranging in length trom 2 days to one week. He graduated from this course with distinc- tions and credits and obtained the most outstanding pass in the year. ln 1979 he returned to Brisbane Girls' Grammar School and was responsible for the Outdoor Education pro- gramme being developed within the school. He was a warm, caring teacher who was concerned at all times with the welfare of the children under his supervision. He was cautious and particular, and attended to small details at all limes. He was a most dedicated, conscientious person who could be relied upon to take his responsibilities in a serious manner, particularly when the welfare of his students was concerned. He had a well integrated, stable personality and was held in high regard both by students and staf{.
LET THE MEMORY LINGER I've never really known what the feelings were behind the cliche 'words are not enough' until now. I don't know how you express the feelings of emptiness and sorrow when a person you've admired and loved in a special way is no longer there to encourage and help you through the days of life and experience. This is how I and many olhers feel about Mr. Stamford - one in a million. He was a teacher, not just intentionally at school but un- consciously like a brother, an example, an enlightener, the real nature lover, an encourager, a conscientious and fun person, an adventurer, a caring and thoughtful person but above all - a best friend. All who knew Mr. Stamford admired and envied him and his love of life and in this respect he continually taught us to never waste a minute and by being with him it became contagious. Very few can arouse the amount of interest and enjoyment in life that Mr. Stamford did through his fun and unique personality. We'll never forget him as he'll always be here with us and let nothing allow us to erase our thoughts of him but continue to let the memory linger. Leanne Higgins.
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