1979 School Magazine

12C FORM Vicki Baluch:

DIARY rager eXtraOrdinarie.

Often seen "innocenlly" wandering oul ol lhe male loilels - Heaven help the male leachers a{ school - the only person I know who can stumble into a room wilh freshly painted lingetrnails, lrip over and break everylhing in sight but still manage lo mainlain lhe immac!iale slate of her nails. alias Rudey Carlyle. chiel class sliruer. Proud winner of the Gossiper ot the Year awardi Yveile came a close second with Merrin hol on her tail conslanlly see liling her nails during malhemalics as well as chemistry, biology and physics. What does she do in English? She files her toe na ils. lalking in her sleep one nighl said "Come jump into bed wilh me." What an invilalion! At "A N.4idsummer Nighl's Dream was nol looking al lhe slage perlor mance but al the "Romeo and Juliel ' performance being played next lo her. Also seen quite drunk al mosl biology lessons. She even sloops to drink- ing ethyl alcohol (C2HqOh) during experiments. "The Greal Auslralian Nose ; known as "Whinny ; a slray emu is seen wandering aimlessly through lhe school - this is Gill in one doing ol her many impressions. The one thal gol away. phe has been boarding for almosl four years and was lel oul lor oood behaviorrr occasionally st;y sheep decide to lurn up at our biology lessons. (Liz Ple and Anne Jell - silly, twisted girls). our Media Monilor . who has not yet learnl to unroll a projeclor screen. the person lo stand behind when you do nol want to be seen.

TEACHERS'QUOTES "lnch graph paper is archaic - it was used in the Middle Ages. Who sold you that? . . . . lt's your father's?? Well, tell him where to go with it." "You can play around with that if you like." "Sit ihere, play around with it, mess around with it, find a way out." "These sums are almost mental." "lf you can't manage to keep your marrow up, just keep it level." "A room has no sex rn it it? "l think my Mum's cool nose. " (snickers from class) . . . Does (Language lesson) . .she has a bone through her Ms. Rant

Yvelle Carlyon: Kalhy Barber:

Karen Duke:

Jane Banff:

Cathy Guy:

Gill Lindsay:

Darcia Byrnes:


Merrin Fullon:

Michelle Smilh:

"l'm still a vegemite kid." "Let's not waste time. Let' Farragher. lnnocent bystander: "Stuck

into it!" - Mr.

s get stuck

into what?"


"Oh sorry, I just spat"

"Singing is mental" Miss Hebden

(choir practice)

- An English Teacher

"Now, get in pairs of two" - O l.E Teacher * "Well, after they had had a pr.oduced this son." - A History Teacher "l think it's good to tear poems apart . . . Well not tear them, but disect them." - An English Teacher "There's nothing to understand - all you have to understandis..." - French *** "An egg-shell is not an egg-shell" - Sciencp ** Pupil - "l have to go home now." Teacher - "Why dear? Are you sick?" Pupil - "Yes." Teacher - 'Oh, good." * Teacher - "Have you got a meeting in here?" Students - "Yes, we have a madrigal practice." Teacher - "A madrigal practice? Well, this is good ! " lot of fun together, they no

"Most government Swayne.

policies are

crazy anyway." Mrs.

"That's a sometime."

very naughty book. Mr. Dale.

You should read il

THE SAGA OF 12E 1 February: Twenly-njne dejecled 1 2E'ers relurned to school, ready to take up their sta- lions as leaders of B.G.G.S. Liltle did they dream 01 lhe tate that awailed them. Afler a nighlmarish year in H33,lhe corridor, we relurned to school wilh Great Expeclalions ol a bel1er form room.

And do you know where they put us? Yesl The famed btack hole of lhe science wing, E1 1 . However, despite adversily, 1 2E bounced back lo pul in an amazing perf ormance.

This year we have: - Welcomed Sophia Lahz back from Germany, where she spent several weeks on a scholar ship - Seen Jacky Thomas olf to Perlh lo compele for Oueensland in the Australian Water polo championships. - Cornered lhe market for German Verse speaking wilh Sophia Lahz, Jenny Roberls and Anne Jell taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. - Compeled well for our house - Grilfith - in the lnterhouse Sporls and swimming. (N4ost of us even finished lhe Cross Counlry lhis year.) - were well represented in the y,ear 1 2 lashion parade (4 in 1 0) on School Day - had an 867o success rate in finding parlners for lhe formal - raised $100 for lhe Cyslic Flbrosis. Bemember the Lucky Legs compelition? - altempled, lor the mosl parl successfully, our Bronze medallions. 23 November: A sorrowlul 1 2E lake their leave lrom lheir fellow seniors, lhe slalf, lheir lorm mistress, Mrs. Torney and N,4rs. Hancock. As we slride olf inlo the sunsel, we bid adieu lo o!r alma maler, B.G.G.S. Bye. See Vou in lhe moviesl


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