1979 School Magazine


Karyn Lun won a prize in the Junior Section of the Australian Maths Competition.

Annabel Lahz selected as finalist National Art Award.

Girls - 2nd Robyn Gordon-Brown, 4th Michelle Smith. Grade '10 Girls - 2nd Suzanne Strother, 3rd Melinda Barber. Grade B girls - 1st Libby Crockart, 3rd Heather Pillow, 4th Libby Lynch. More than 220 students from all over S.E. Queensland competed in the Championships. 20 girls {rom B.G.G.S. competed and all performed creditably. 1979 Q.A.T.l.S. Literary Competition Student Award Title of Work BarbaraAinsworth HighlyCom "lnconsistencies" Edwina Frizzell Highly Com "The Surfer and His Waves" Edwina Frizzell Highly Com "The Dreamer" Barbara Hodgson First Prize "One Wound" Lisa Jane Wilkie Thit'd Prize "Clancy's Search" Andrea Jane Day Highly Com "Darta The Dragon- flv" Sally Anne Alexander Highly Com "At The Beach" Dickens Fellowship Competition: Andrea Milliken, 3rd Prize, Junior Section. Rebecca Riggs, 1st Prize, Senior Section. German Verse Speaking Competition: Grade 8: Honourable Mention: Kylie Elkington, Lisa Edgar, Cathy McDougal, Jenny Menzies, Jane Paterson, Heather Pillow, Sonya Roeset, Jessica Axelsen, Laxmi Chamala, Robyn Cotterell, Sandra Fryer. Grade 9: First Prize: Alexandra Henderson Honourable Mention: Wendy Biggs, Cathy Roberts, Anne Smith. Grade 10: Honourable Mention: Meredith Alcorn. Grade 11: Honourable Mention: Tracy Tolcher, Susan Bett, Jenny Copp, Rosemary Greenham, Fiona Lawrie. Grade 12: First Frize: Sophia Lahz Second Prize: Jenny Roberts Third Prize: Anne Jell l{onourable Mention: Fiona Fox Queensland Goethe Society Scholarship Exannina" tions: Certilicate of Outstanding Aef'lievenaent: Jenny Roberts, Year 12 (E). First Prize: Cathy Martin Third Prize: Susan Lennon

Queensland Association of Teachers in lndependent Schools (OATIS), Prize in Geography- Teachers Associatidn of Queensland Competition (Senior Sec' tion) - Catherine BoYce. Rotary ScholarshiPs: Jane Blackwood (GermanY) Marie Ploetz (South Africa) Sue Anderson (U.S.A.) Janet Girling, 1st Prize in the Geography Teachers Association Slide Gontest. Katrina Heer (Brazil) Jane Pillow (Canada)

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