1979 School Magazine
Prize for General Merit: Diana Hawes. lnterlevel Debating Senior: Year '1'1.
PRIZE LIST FOR 1978 Academic
Kendall Broadbent Memorial Prize: Jane Blackwood. Wight Memorial Medal;Woodwind & Brass Prize and Prize for Music: Susan Voss. Singing Prize; Prize for Art (Aeq.); Prize for English and Prize for General Merit: Helen O'Dowd. Prize lor Arl (Aeq.); Prize lor Ancient History; Prize lor Economics (Aeq.) and Certificate for General Merit: Lynelle Nugent. Prize lor French; Prize lor Modern History and Cer- tilicate for General Merit: Anna Joughin. Prize for Latin and Certificate lor General Merit: Angela Brown. Prize for Japanese and Cerlificate for General Merit: Tracey Beikoff. Prize for Economics (Aeq.) and Certilicate for General Merit: Catherine Boyce. Prize for Geography and Prize for General Merit: Katrina Heer. Edith Swanwick Memorial Prize: Not Awarded. Josephine Bancroft Prize (Aeq.); Prize lor Physics and Prize for General Merit: Jennifer Roberts. Josephine Bancroft Prize (Aeq.); Prize for Chemistry and Prize lor General Merit: Alison Harris. Prize for German, Prize for Mathematics and Dux of Year 11: Sophia Lahz. Australian German Student Exchange Scholarship - Given to Year 11 Student in Queensland for German - Eleven weeks visit to Germany, brief visit to Bonn and Berlin and f ree Air Fare: Sophia Lahz. YEAR 12: D.E. Catt Memorial Prize and Highly Commended in the Senior Section ol the Queensland Geography Teachers' Assoc. Contest: Marjorie Morrison. Special Principal's Prize for Outstanding Class Senior: Christine Hill. lda Woolcock Challenge Cup and Certificate lor General Merit: Gayle Tyson. Principal's Prize for Service to the School: Susan Gor- don. Certificates lor General Merit: Cheryl Howatson, Gayle Woods, Kerri-Lyn Allman, Helen Rose, Jennifer Cross, Wanda Harris, Leonie Barton, Peta Walters, Sally Jenkins, Maria Patane, Erica MacMillan, Anthea Jay, Belinda Roden, Bronwyn Heath. Prizes lor General Merit: Penelope Evans-Thomas; Anne Gauci (Certificate of Outstanding Achievement for Goethe Society Scholarship Examinations). Beryl Blanch Steedman Memorial Prize and Cer. tificate for General Merit: Clare Florence. Senior Speech Prize and Certificate for General Merit: Rowena Harris. Belty Woolcock Challenge Cup: Catherine Milligan. Hilda Webb Memorial Prize: Jane Baxter. Merle Weaver Prize and Grammar Singers' Prize: Susan Chalk. Acie Alexina Gillles Mernorial Prize: Phillipa Purvis.
YEAR 8: Gertilicates lor General Merit: Helen Wordsworth, Gillian Moses, Susan Wilkinson, Kathryn Redman, Cindy Cantamessa, Elizabeth Mowatt, Bronwen Bennett, Prizes lor General Merit: Anne Orford, Alexandra Henderson. Mary Alexis MacMillan Prize & Certificate lor General Merit: Katharine Jeays. Dux ol Year 8: Winif red Lee. YEAR 9: Certificates of General Merit: lngrid Tall, Anne MacGibbon, Kim Skuce, Jacinta Clayden, Anne Hawke, Margaret Pestorius, Ann Leung. Prizes for General Merit: Lyndall Jones, Sharon Mickan, Megan Kennedy. Junior Music Prize & Certificate lor General Merit: Lesley Cotterell. Sophia Beanland Prize for English & German and Prize for General Merit: Lenore Taylor. Sophia Beanland Prize for English & French and Cer- lilicate lor General Merit: Julie Eisenberg. Sophia Beanland Prize for English & Japanese and Dux ol Year 9: Susan Wilson. YEAR 10: Certificates for General Merit: Desley Ashton, Kerryn Hayes, Fiona Sinnamon, lsabelAnne Graff, Judith Neely, Christine Morris, Michelle Richards, Patrina Hickey, Carolyn Rice, Kirrie Morton, Rebecca Riggs. Prizes lor General Merit: Elizabeth Hergenhan. Junior Speech Prize: Rebecca Riggs. Junior A Debating Ghampionship: Rebecca Riggs (Cptn.), Fiona Callinan, Caroline Kennison. E.V. Topper Cup lor Good Citizenship in Year 10: Caroline Kennison. Mary Alexis MacMillan Prize: Fiona Moore. Wight Memorial Medal - Proxime Accessit & Cer- tificate for General Merit: Rosemary Greenham. Sophia Beanland Prize for English & Japanese and Prize for General Merit: Jennifer Crockart. Sophia Beanland Prize for English & German and Prize lor General Merit: Annabel Lahz, Sophia Beanland Prize lor English & French (Aeq.) and Prize lor General Merit: Kathryn Mainstone. Mary Helen Jackson Memorial Prize and Certilicate for General Merit: Gwendoline Luck. Scholarship for Year 11: (The Parents & Friends' Prize for outstanding ability and participation in School Life): Rosemary Greenham. Sophia Beanland Prize for English & French (Aeq.); Dulcie Evelyn Williams Memorial Prize; Prize for English, French and Latin; and Dux of Year 10: Elizabeth Dutnev. YEAR 11: Cortifieates lor General Merit: Robin Whittaker; Fiona Fox, Melissa White, Jenny F. O'Donnell, Lyndal Taylor, Maree Ploetz, Bhaswati Bhattacharyya.
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