1978 School Magazine
Academic Prizes: Special prizes_ for good all.round standard: Carolyn Brown, Nina Cruickshank, Rowena Downes, Wendy Holliday, Susan Maloney, Lynden Permezel. Ant Prize (aeq. with Loryn Farmer): Lily Lee. Ancient History Prize: Susan Divett. German Prize (aeq. with Helen Harper): Marica Spykerboer. Sophia Beanland Memorial Prize for English and Fnench: Julie O'Day. Geography Prize (aeq. with Angela Horn) and phyllis Hobbs Memorial Prize: Rosemary Shaw. Geography Prize (aeq. with Rosemary Shaw) and Special Prizes for good all.round standard: Angela Horn. Ant Prize (aeq. with Lily Lee) and Special Prize for good all-round standard: Loryn Farmer. .,losephine Bancroft Prize for Biology and Special PnEze lor good all-round standard: Nancy Spenier. Eeonomics Prize, Modern History Prize and Special Prfize for good all.round standard: Laura Nolan. Music Prize, French Prize and Special Prize for good aNN"round standard: Alison Fox. English Prize, Sophia Beanland Memorial prize for EnElish and Japanese and Special Prize for good all. round standard: Louella Wilby. .Iapanese Prize, German prize (aeq. with Marica Spykerboer), Sophia Beanland Memorial Prize for lreglish and German, and Kathleen Milford Lilley Frize (excellent standard with subjects with a bias to Ants): Helen Harper. Proxime Accessit to Dux of lhe School: Margaret Hawes. ehemistry and Physics Prize, Mathmatics Prize, ehristine Evans Memorial Prize for excellence in fulaths and Science, Hilda Florence, Neville Grant Memorial Prize (excellent standard with subjects with a bias to Science), and the Lady Lilley Gold lMedal, Dux of the School: Jane Nikles, Awards in the 1978 Queensland Geggraphy Contest hfiarjorie Morrison: Senior Section, Highly Commended... $i0 eatherine Mulder: Grade B Section, Highly Commended... $10.
On the 15th July, 1978 over ninety young people were to be presented with their Silver Awards at Government House. The candidates came f rom all over Queensland and had all finished the four sections; Expedition, lnterest, Service, and Social or Physical Activities of the Duke of Edinburgh Award which qualified them for the presentation of the Silver Medal. Representing the Award Scheme at school were Amanda Rudd and myself. Unfortunately Jane Pillow was unable to attend because of her involvement in School Sports, but receiv- ed her Award later when the Governor visited our school. We were called up individually and were presented with the Certificate by the Governor, Sir James Ramsay. Shortly after having morning tea at Government House we left, all looking forward to completing the Gold Award. Heather Easton, 6C. QWel Harr^OcO, 0d Qi4 ond noltfl pcd rl35 (xfftdr{orcl(d THE ?ATRriK wt-urE t TTERART{ ANRKD fOr 19'18. fft,"Ar.nnC Nos Flodl/ trro writcr whc in oru,ol tft!, kldo65' r{ords- ft3s "& Dc.h;(nkd Mind_,a Xfinat vg{G. dndC-tr-nse of hcr-lor-rr"" -lfU tA^IEnl,,rlL$rulbb yobf {glub{o lffoen-l DiYi4tr ls slo,ooo f6km fi()H-lru, fur,6s'ot"dtD,ic( ldhie's lq'ts fYoDCJ "rtlL - ,.N{nbfbsh^,
Results of Geography Teachers' Slide eontest
Senior - Section 1: Janette Kelly, Second Scnior - Section 2: Janette Kelly, Second. Senior * Section 2: Julia Thiele, Third. Senior Commended. Junior - Section 1: Rosemary Greenham First.
Section 2: Jenny O'Donnell, Highly
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