1978 School Magazine


lst Term:

-.-rin^.nd, rirtrc homesickness. sociaily our f'rst najo' -sickne s S The Princ-ess'crown went to Michelle i;; d;;;di"s ;-ouse tor t gze went to virainia Dalv o' 5th uno g G G s oto"nised a coffee night

The vear began in the usual mad unpacki g an a little funciion was our annuat Miss Boaro'rig Fi;;" d*'t Form. ln March tne entelainment c"iiitin'-"!! Ji"a c s' tot 2nd and3rd forms. rhis was h" i i; l;; tA;';;irn" n*initi* solely by 6th form girls This new ro'ms oi sup"tision Boarding House. Everyone enloyed riiiJ'""^J"o-pi"":i"i5o the change lJ,iiG r,7". r,lro ar Boys' Grammar toilowed by a barbecue oswin of 3rd Form and the ouee. "i inq month sth form got tog"tn"' 'n'in'"''kii""li;'"-ni

ttlildinq and supervised

was surprisingly successful The follow' p'"put"o an lGllan dinner for lne enlire

Also an afternoon of

and pool partv.

2nd Term: The beginning of new term also brought the arrival ol a new mistress' Mrs J Timmons DeporF mentclasseswithM,s xeognte'e'heli;;i;;t";;;;"nMondavniqhlsloraperiodof ten weeks culmlnating in a fashion p"t"jJ ih"n "tt" of our parents.atlelded Our thanks go to Mrs. Keogh for her enioyable ""0 'ii!titihg;;L" nnoin"' coflee niohl lnis time for 2' 3 ano 4th forms asain in tn" top rroo' oi't"n;;;;;j;";;;J ;sain with the h;vs rrom next door' A conslderable number of ,"nio' oouioili *l'" it""i*l 'tin" school muiical 'The Pirates of Penzance' during this term Girls t'ipott"J tn" fu'g" Cloudland dances that were held' 3rd Term: A new chef arrives in third term, Mr' P Christensen bringing new the Boardinq House food. nnotn"t n"*-""iuii (tot s weixJtn;s.term) iunior mistress. Preparation for scnooi oay oegln with the new term This d;"ioers oe tnei-nrv-doir-e'" snop avairabre for afrernoon tea. Ad finitum "no inJp"ients ano rrienos wele senerous in their donations available and we made tea and coffee 6no pi"p.l 0o we were proud within tne Boardins t the Girls G P S lhis vea' we supported "uv'""lr itl"itTritd oy uus to Mt.G'avati on Salurdav 3oth ptanneo for the 21st october with ""nooii"nit"'nut"OJ6n ;;; "nii"-i"liv ir,r. *irr be as enjovable as all previous runctions' OursincerethankstoMrs Hancocklorherinterestandtruslthroughouttheyear'theboarding staft for their care and patience "nO-"tpu"iufiy Uft". Best lor her enthusiasm' understanding and oenuine atlection Mrs r-yn"n "ae-slJ*es o'ur thinks also for her'heln and sound advice' atono with Mr. Losan wrro we tnank"t"oiii. i"i*tJlg.6t;"d kind advice during prep. As the ;il i""#'i;;;i;;fi; v"i*orro rir." io "ipi"iiori h"op" t'"r rhe Boardinq House will conlinue to orow in the fellowship that n"s O"ev"i6ri"i *iin encburagement f rom Mrs Hancock and lhe i;.i ;iih; b;;;;i;; iio[." ","rr. rt'i-"'a-ri]t'opeJ tnat rhe 6ih form next year will read the Boatr ding House successlullY. il;::i;;d, of cakes and pikelets sundaes uni "li"t ilil;"];;i;;;;siutiv House lo have so muny "otp"t"o'Ji'-ot "'ii'"tio them and the rest ol the scho l e.^iamhar a rrll boardino raisea "ppi*tlt"rv $35o *"i" "rto lifeand European llavour to was Miss E Newton a year Mrs Hancock i;l;"ui;;iil ;i"l;i;il;';;;"


f. $




c' Sudnon' a sltlnl' dt*/un" un ttttmA 4 U\L olruI,ilt',I^h* el aPtnnv a/n'd' rtain ; a +rottiotry afulnnnatna $* AMv altndn uu' lwp u qauwu1 AvnAng,A\at hrru d IoP mtutu1 to q* to oru dt tttinttbw ? " -:. , p- the Ur.ivetsot Travellec -D'Koberg ( U' Eagner!


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