1978 School Magazine
Histony Essay Wake up Review day. Oh no! History essay Due in Not done
Panic Quick Pad, pen
Can't think What to do 800 words No chance What excuse Forgot
Won't do Too sick No way
Bad luck Who cares Ms. Rant Quick Pad, pen.
Bronwen Bennett, 2D.
laarwaia 6;';*rs\=r"e iory ts qarsrM, (m1! ryu,8ri56,i*,Tb Y+ ,fa&.n# LFns&4n.J LiI
^,\ hgr,e moegurq nsdd.[Bn' lnto cott{tt"rrr^q lffi nn'g*.t mn inO mot ws*$rtsn'6 fungQffikh' *oI0 lfurv)da{.rn $}idol ortlfr, Sudn{ {b q&ndq,urhot on4, hlenmfndA^l qrfft tfiurnodn{." * "?L$ tlr1, rooH to bul,qirls." .frqt'rb d{noruc/t il;I0 Ol {,t otfu unf"/oofitdirruD $rut W +omrcl,."Ao Jrx"qq ofl,' t'lot! drn@ust dn0t, tlrqnb db aduofq ocJl{oprrt{/rut" '..., ttScyrru,tirmlD Vrre* l4oturVi:n'Pas blg u isbtte. Ja'osie ia l"Ilfl;fut" ^..ub 1a
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