1978 School Magazine
Closing Night Sti//ness now lingers through the school hall, Strangely lonely now I feel, Beneath me empty chairs sink further into darkness The lights are resting, the sound equipment dead, The stage Iies frozen in a blanket of night, Memories of applause already faded slip away too quickly, My friends "the Major General, the Sergeant of P,olic.e" Have each made their final exits. This silent solitude I feel is unwanted. I brush through the curtains unwatched. Reality is locked into memory, never fo escape Gwyn Young,6E
certainly good looks just aren't enough thought she, So she fished for the moon With a nylon net
And, having caught it, Tied it to her forehead, And wore the moon-beams in her hair.
And then, still feeling a little small, She plucked lhe stars From the deep, black pool,
And glued one star, Just below each eye.
And then having
Dressed herself tn the dancing coroms of Shelly's dome, She sel herself carefully on a rock, (with the wind and the sky and some sea He would finally come along, And notice, And find that self, That she knew was there, somewhere.
And staring solemnly into night,
And felt that surely now,
F,rotn t'W dopu?tuffitoTt 4 orx. ,%.otLh & 'rrwrl(/ t l4o7/// l/,fo aecrT2 funfuted m tlv *n*e ftorn qat/r tAtL c/gffieftc ( VglrcJ - /6ice4 t'Lvq assured rLEf gou unuld ho f*r. ) " Tirrc , genfle mcn pea)e-". satcl ft'tc rv@rT at rrE Dar.
Andhedid... And appreciated all that she'd done, So she gave him the moon, (A little surp,rised to find, That it was losing its shine,) And pulled off the stars (thought it hurt a bit) To give to her child (to paste on his cheek), But she kept the colours, that dappled and danced, All over her face. . . One has to keep something of ones own since someday will all of us stand alone. Helen Rose
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