1978 School Magazine

To Understand The sound moves on' AArg d""Per than human PercePtion' The noise flows' And the waves eternallY come, From movement, Comes the beautY of recognition' Wild beautY, Flneness of intricate chains, 'tiiitliit which is beautifut with reality' From truth, Ctimbs the tree of life, With life, As a Piece of eternitY, And eternitY, Comes from beautY and ecstacY' The height, no"" bi"" rds with fingers, to b/iss' Touching, iit""ti,ig to fhe senses but endless' From the wood, 'ciiei

t didn't want to touch the sun ' ' Although the warmth in ifs caress Seemed inviting' But as t flaunted everY other law, That bound Man to Nature, it Seemed logical That I should defY one move; And t'd never heard of Newton, so it Was right. PGW

Eves swo//e n with tears that trace \Liili"lrairc down a red; blotchv face'

EnvetoPed in miserY My anger insidiouslY CreePs through mY Detng -niriii

ihe music of encompassing rapture'

stitt chirning without resent [ii'tii nr"iea, nitter words ef an argument'

So ls the aPPreciation of music' Ruth Wilson, 5c'

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