1978 School Magazine
By abandoning Speech Night we have tried to increase the parent/teacher/girl involvement. We have introduced two Sports presentation evenings and the Senior Prize presentation was made on the night of the Sixth Form dinner. ln future we hope to present Awards when they are won and to keep only academic prizes until the end of the year. ln this way we hope to see far more parents taking an active interest in their daughters'schooland of communicating with them about the philosophy of the school and what we are aiming to do. Our thanks go to Mrs. Perrinand themothersof the P.&F. Association who have continued to loyally support the school in the Tuckshop, Bookroom and Clothing Pool. This year they propose to donate $8,000 to the Board towards the Construction of covered ways. As well as this they have endowed the school with a Bursary for a girl in Grade 10 who is academically able but also has a very good school spirit. This year the first award goes to Katrina Heer - she will receive one term's {ees in each of Grade 11 and Grade 12. There are no other scholar- ships available at Grade 11 and Grade l2 levels. Trustees Scholarships are awarded for 3 years at Grade 8 entrance, This year the standard was so high and results so close that B were awarded instead of 6, they too allow for one term's remission of fees in each of 3 years. A Fathers' Group started late in the year with a steering Committee headed by Dr. David Gordon. One Group has been actively helping Mrs. Ashton in the garden, another group has become involved in the covered way development and a third has been fund- raising.
We have approx- imately 20 girls wishing to learn organ. Our present organ will be used in other areas of School music. There will be very little turnover of staff for next year. During the year we have said goodbye to Miss Lyndal Vernon who left us to return to the Department of Education. She was replaced by Mrs. Hanna Spykerboer. Mr. Walton left us at the end of term 2 and was replaced by Mr. Sam Nicolosi. Dr. Judith McLeod also left us earlier in the year to take up an appointment in New South Wales. -lVrs. Cook replaced Mrs. Hamilton in Speech and Drama when'Mrs. Hamilton went overseas. Mrs' Hare, Mrs. Buchan, and Mrs. Draper will be leavtltg for family reasons and Mrs. Smith resigned earlier in the year due to ill-health. Mrs. Moodie resigned to take up a position at Kelvin Grove College of Advanced Education and Ms. Guyatt was replaced in the Library by Miss Saunders. ln particular I would !"ike to mention Mr. Broughton who is retiring f rom teaching at the end of this year. He has built our Orchestra from nothing and we look forward to building on the firm foundation that he has left behind. Thank you very much Mr. Broughton. A number of our staff have been on leave of absence and will return to us next year and Mr. John Stamford has been granted twelve months study leave by the Association of ln- dependent Schools of Queensland to gain a diploma in outdoor education. A.l.S.Q. generously give us replace- ment salary for staff wishing to continue their studies. To all those leaving we wish you well and thank you for your contribution that you have made to the school. I am pleased to find that the enthusiasm that was felt at the beginning of the year has certainly continued throughout the year. The iirst Australian Rhodes Scholar' Beth Woods, represented to us all the true spirit of Girls' Grammar: high academic standards tempered by tn- volvement in sport and extra-curricular activities and service to others. We can all take an example f rom Beth and I hope that those of us who are returning in the new year won't forget what education at the school is all about.
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Other Fathers have helped in E.E.A., coaching teams and two have even offered to help at the tuckshop. Next year we hope to see a mixed Parents and Friends' Annual General Meeting in February' We are most grateful for the involvement of all interested parents. Fees would be a lot higher without their extra bupport and we are pleased to be able to announce this yeai tne loWest increase in fees possible. Likewise the btd Girts' have again actively supported the school. They presented me with a cheque for $2,000 at the beginning of the year. With this money we purchased a number of musical instruments for our expanding orchestra. They are now raising money to purchase a full pedal keyboard organ for the new Auditorium complex.
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