1978 School Magazine

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This year has been a very exciting year Ior the B.G.G.S. Debating Club. We have begun a form of debating which we hope will be carried on in future years - Social Debating. This is a very relaxed form of the 'gentle art of persuasion'. lt helps to cultivate debating skills and create interest in this verbal sport without the pressure associated with competition. The first social debate was held in the early part of the year between the Senior A teams of Brisbane Grammar and Bris,bane Girls' Grammar. The topic was 'A Woman's Place is in the Home', with B.G.G.S. taking ihe affirmative. Although we were not successful, the gooci spirit and enthusiasm engendered led us to hold a social evening towards the end of the year with Terrace. The Junior topics were 'Co-education is necessary' and 'lt matters little what kind of mark you make as long as you make one'. B.G.G.S. was affirmative and negative, respectively. ine Senior topics were 'Woman is the woe of Man' (B.G.G.S. affirmative) and 'The Australian Vate is losing his masculine image' (negative). We were. successful on all four accounts. The evening was highly entertaining and conducted in a relaxed easy manner which we hope en- couraged prospective debaters. As well as socializing, our debaiers competed in Q.D.U. and Apex Competitions. Our Q.D.U. Junior team of Rebecca Riggs, Fiona Callinan, Lenore Taylor and Caroline Kennison we are particularly proud because of their win in the Queensland finals. Congratulations to all four girls and we hope they continue for at least a few more years with thelr keen interest. Thanks for debating this year go to Mr. Faragher, Mrs. Riggs and Mr. Dale for their continued encouragemenl and supportr

Gale Tyson, 68.

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