1978 School Magazine
THE T}AVIT} JONES TEEN PANEL The original concept of the panel was to improve David Jones' young shop 'Miss Jones'. They asked various schools to choose two students to be on the panel, however Grammar had three participating: Katarina Dobrenov, Lindsey Jobbins, and myself. They wanted feedback from us on what we thought of the shop as it was and how it could be made more appealing to the buyer. Meetings were held once a month and at first it was us talking 1o them but this year it has been a case of David Jones talking to us in quite informative sessions. We've had an ex{op model come and speak about ac- cessories, a beautician talking on skincare and make-up, and when the David Jones' fashion buyer returned f rom Europe, we saw slides and examples of the new season's looks on the continent. We have now begun reverting back to the original idea, but there are rumours of a fashion parade in the near future. The panel has pro- ved an enjoyable experience for the three of us, giving us insight into the workings of the f inal link in the fashion in- dustry chain. Clare Florence,6D.
Since I came to Australia, I've been very happy because people are nice to me and I've made lots of friends. I'm bure I'm a very lucky girl! I must say thankyou to all my lriends who have helped me in many ways. ln the first {ew months, it was pretty hard for me to adjust io the language and the climate, but now I've become ac- customed to the waY of living here. When lgo home in March, I'm sure lwill miss the beautiful country Australia, and each one of you Now lwould like to grve you an example of what I've learnt while I have been in Australta. "Good day MATES. How are you going? I'm pretty good. I haven't gone off , like a bucket of prawns in the hot noon sun, yet. My kangaroo and koala are hitting it off nicely. Steak and eggs are better than raw fish. I must thank Shiela, Shelly' O-oieen, Shaleen, Norma and Marge for the barbies they have given me in the last 6 months." TerumiTakahashi
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When I came to B.G.G.S. for the first time, I was very sur- prised to see your school life. I think your uniform is more casual than my uniform in Japan. We wear a white blouse and socks, dark blue tie, skirt and blazer. Length of skirt is just a little bit below the knee. The tie is like a man's tie. Each weekday we have 6 periods and on Saturday we have 4. Each period has 50 minutes. Between classes we have '10 minutes rest. Lunch time is about an hour, we don't have morning tea times AT ALL!! So having morning tea times was a very big surprise for me, and I thought it was a good idea. Last year I studied about 1 0 subjects. I think that 1 0 sub- jects are too much to study because you don't get enough spare time to do extra activities. However I don't think school life in B.G.G.S. is so different from my school in Japan. We study very hard as you do. We have athletics days and excursions, too.
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