1978 School Magazine
We are now praclising for the Christmas season where we will help lnteract with their hospital party; On Friday December 1st, 7.30 p.m. at Brookside we will be involv- ed in a Carols by Candlelight service; Sunday 7.30 p.m., December 3rd we will have our Lessons and Cards at St. John's, on Wednesday 6th December, B p.m. we will be involved in the Xmas concert to be held in Centenary Hall B.G.S. All of our friends are invited to these pro- grammes. The choir meets every week, and anyone who is in- terested, is very welcome to come and join in. there are no auditions, or any entrance requirements other than enthusiasm I Once again, we would like to thank the staff involved, and also members, parents and f riends. We would like to wish the departing 6th formers best of luck in 1979, and we hope that everyone has a happy Christmas and a pro- sperous New Year. R. Harris, S. Chalk. The formation of the Music Department Laides Auxiliary (an in:formal group)this year has given its members and insight into the not so obvious side of school life. The pur- pose of M.D.L.A. has been to gossip about scandalous bchool affairs such as'dancing classes','school musical' and '6th form formal'. At present the committee has about ten members from the senior part of school. We meet regularly in S'1 during lunchtimes, when nothing else is on. Apart from the school activities we disiuss important matters such as - the new B.G.G.S' Ita Buttrose, Louise Howe's singing voice, deportment, Mr. Warden's conducting style, some people's vociferous obstinacy, and we have even made a study of the president's (Miss Hebden) nutritious lunch. lf you find that you are iacking your weekly thrills or if you feel you have a gap in your education, why not join in the con- versation and mingle with us in the f riendly atmosphere of the M.D.L.A. M.D.L.A. SecretarY C.M. Report on Music DePartment Ladies' Auxiliary (M.D.L.A.)
CHOIR REPORT This year, the Choir has expanded considerably. in numbers and has managed so far at least one peiTor- mance in each of the f irst two terms and the possibility of two or three in 3rd term. At the. beginning of the year the choir received an influx of 'new'rRembers which more than alleviated the gap left by last year's 6th formers. Our first performance this year was on the 29th March at the school's Easter AssemQly at St. John's where we were once again thrill- ed by the experience of walking up the aisle and sitting in the choir stalls. ln second term we performed at the school's musical evening on the 26th July. Due to our "excellencel' at that performance we have been invited to perform at a "Music at Midday" concert one Thursciay in the City Hall. Other performances this term will be at the lnstrumental Competition Finals on the 25th October and the Carols by Candlelight on the 4th December. The Madrigral Group, consisting mainly of 5th and 6th formers in the choir also performed on the 26th July and will be performing again on the 25th October. Our thanks must go to Miss Hebden, our conductor, whose perseverance and encouragement is neveren- ding and also Mrs. Best who gives up much of her time to accompany us.
Janette Kelly Vl.E
The Grammar Singers
(the combined choir): This year, 1 978, has been a busy and successful year for the choir, and we have enjoyed ourselves greatly. We would like to thank Mr. Montague, and other members of the staff, for their hard work and encouragement freely given throughout the year. ln,February we had our first concert 'Sweet Songs of Zion' (hymns), and this was followed at Easter in St. John's Catedral by'Jesu Priceless Treasure' and Stainer's 'Crucifixion' (one of our favourite works which we have done every year for quite some time). ln.May we sang the'Crucifixion' in St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, lpswich. At the Boys' Open Day we again sang 'Jesu Priceless Treasure' to an audience which.we hope, enjoyed it. The same weekend the choir was invited to St. Andrew's Uniting Church, where we sang a number of religious works.
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