1977 School Magazine
EDITORIAL The current education system is not an ideal one. Included in the more salient faults, in my opinion, are the curriculum and the method by which it is taught. Several facets of our curriculum are, I feel, taught pre- maturely. (If we were to return and study these things in say, five years, (assuming that by then study would not be irrelevant), I am.sure we would find them far more fulfilling and beneiicial than we do now. I am thinking particularli of poetry in English, where many people in-their mid- twenties and older claim they can appreciate their high- school poetry far more now, even though they used to detest it. Closer to the roots of our system, 'new' maths, in which multiplication tables are no longer learnt by heart, but by other 'progressive' methods, is being promoted. Spelling and grammar has also reduced in importance. Proof of this may be seen already in children only a few years our junior, for many have no concept of any mathematical principles more complex than simple addition and multiplication. For example, such primary school work as different bases, (other than base ten) and even perimeters are not under- stood. Furtherrnore, many are poor spellers. For the moment we are stuck with our present unsatisfactory system. What is most important, I think, is, $/hite making the most of this system, to remember its faults as well as its virtues, and not become complacent and tolerant. Otherwise, when the solution arrives, we may not be able to recognize it. LOUELLA WILBY
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Dear Ed, I would like to ask how many of us - students and staff - stop to thank Mrs. Bunt. This lady always has a smile for everyone and in addiiion knows most people's names. She is also a fund of information. If something goes wrong, she knows what to do and if you want to know something there is a fair chance she can tell you. She never snaps or snarls even though she must have more trials and tribulations than any of us and is always ready to help. I would just like to say that I, for one, appreciate it.
Dear Editor, I would like to drop a word of praise to Miss Greet and all the other staff members who have worked to give us our Thursday afternoon EEA programme. They are rarely thanked publicly for this even though it gives us the oppor- tunity to do things otherwise denied to students of an all academic school. I've really enjoyed EEA and would just like to say thank you.
A Sixth Former.
That goes for me too! Ed.
Whole-heartedly agreed - Ed.
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