1977 School Magazine
ol oroviding amenities, encouraging friendships among ;;reini;- ;;d"holding discussions on educational matters- F;;lit;;ubli.htn?nt, by the first President, of the tuck- "r."" in 1952 Io raise funds for providing amenities, the ;;;t;; iot ln.o*. have now expended to. include Book r"-O^St.ti"t"ty Shops and a Clothing- Pool'^ The annual ;;;;f"t isll .vriitt be approximatelv $100,000' So we are now entering the realms of a sizeable business' None of this would be possible if it were not-for the many uolunte.ts among the pirents. As many Mothers return to ifrc *"tf.+"t.. o"u. tanA of hetpers is being sadly 9epleated "ri r" ii it " gieat credit to those who "carry the flag"' that in.u ftuu. ..ieased the size and scope of the undertaking in the capacitY of the various units. In working in these units many lasting friendships have ;;.;;;?;. These friendships continue even after their daughters have left school. Evening meetings have given us-the opportunity to h91r a1d io Ait.lutt varidus aspicts of life and learning within the t.noof . - tit. P & F aie grateful to Mrs' Hancock and senior *t*L.tt-of staff for givlng their time to prepare addresses on their subiect areai at"the first meeting, and detailed .""f.*ii* ind clarification of the complexity of the man- ;;i';i;;il.;ts under the Radford scheme at our second ;;tG;. ihit hut helped parents understand the newer Il".i"ti*.nti in th. education system under which their ;;;tilt:.;; ;t; presentlv studving' To conciude the vear the ifritt'"rttti"g iook the form bf iquestion and answer night' Our 'Music Hall' Luncheon was much enjoyed by all who utitnA.a, and we were fortunate in having Leonard Teale as ;;;;;;;i;t.t. our own Mothers gave a most creditable o.if8r*un... The careers everung for Grades 10, 1l-'-and it;;;;tt well attended bv girlJand their parents' Manv i*t"itu"tJ came to help the girls choose their careers' The "t"""f- p"-tti8.t pat.a.'wus litld late in October' All VI Fo.m gitl* are guests of the Association at a farewell dinrier' ti"'tlili Oini.t will be the fifteenth one given since the Association was formed. This year we are proud to say.the Fathers have formed themselves into a working committee a1d !rye many plans i;;-;;;i"*; projects. Thelr big project for 1978 willbe the U"if*"g of 'some covered wuyi btiwten classrooms' This ;ili bt; big project and to thii end an initial sum of $8,000 ;; ;r;pt;disei to the Trustees. All our fund raising and ;";;;;; profits have been allocated to this worthwhile purpose. The association is also in the process of establishing a iiii"f..tftip ioi a craae 10 Student to be awarded each V."i''.fftt-t"sis of the Award will be for Citizenship within the school. The Board of Trustees is to be thanked for the pleasant utt"otpittit of co-operation in which we work' A11 mem- U.t. of the adminislration, domestic and ground staff are ;h;;k.d f"t their help during the year' Without the loyal it.fp- ."4 support of'the dedicated parents both Mothers und p.Ut.tt ii is impossible to effectively continue to main- tain the numerous activities - administrative, service to the t.iil"f *a fund raising for the school' The Association thanks all parents for their participation' VERONICA PERRIN, President. 21
The vear began in February for Old A.Jl.t#'#;;ii;g'una pl"ni*i ut *'t Gatewav' were ptreased to wetcorie t1"' rtuntotk and several girls tH fiffi ;'t si*u" r'"* u' ntw mtmbe rs' Jt was hearten- ffit" t-*'rh;iurlt ytut u younger set Sub-Committee was formeci. Each vear we invite menrbers to suggest ideas to fund-raising ffi,lffi b;t';; trave ro'rna thal"some - the Barbeque' ,Art Show and Theatre g"-"itg - are so popular' they have ttto*t annual events' The Barbeque was held in March and approximately 180 #;t1-.;;"1;a"iil*'i'ii'ioui barbeque tea a1! ihe wonder- furl facilities ouo ,.nooi'giounOs have to offer' The Old i"ril#Jt. -puiii.ui"tty pt"ttsed to have the Boarders join in the fun. The vounger set Sub-Committee held two {ilm evenings in id;liffi;;;i.. s"ildins ut the school in Julv' and we hope il;*rx;;illeio help'in this way again next year' perh.aps iiriui#i"itr^ ti,1--e.'ru.que. september is Arr Show time ;t'"d;;;"t; we had unothtt wonderfully-successful week- #;."TitJ o;#.eEiehi on September.23fi was attended il'"".t -io 'p.opL utiJtnt demonstrations and displaylg{ d.tJ'*ibtt?it "*.t. varied and very attractive' The old 6irrr ?""rdlike to thank everyone- concerned with this i"".ti"", the net prolit fto- whith wut approximately $ 1,867. On October 29th, Mrs. Hancock and the Old Girls' held a I.Batn i" Ci^**ut" dinner at the school and this was tri*.ll'gitrv;;i;t;a bv all who attended' Miss Heleden and i"*. it irt. giitt from the "Boyfriend" production very d"afv-.nit.taIned us and some tommittee members took ;; il;cl";cly back to the past' We would like to thank the ""t.ii"-*t"# for the beautiful dinner and the boarders who fr.fp.a"to charmingly and willingly during the evening' The last function for the year will be the Theatre Evening *ith "Chi"k.n and Champagne" supper at the Arts Theatre ott Nou.*U"r 18th. Thii will be on iimilar lines to the one we held last year and should end our yearly activities on a happy and successful note. We would like to offer our sincere thanks to Mrs. Hancock and all members of the School Staff for theirhelp and sup- port during the year and extend to all girls who are leaving the school an invitation to join the Association. Our best wishes for aMerry Christmas and Happy New Year' G^irls'with the Annual lnn and we
Our first social function for l9l7 was the Welcome to New Mothers. Not only were we able to welcome Mrs. Judith Hancock as our new Schooi Principal but also as a 'new' Mother of a daughter at B.G.G.S. In both rolls she has given our Association her fuli support and co-operation. Since its inception the P & F has striven to further its aims
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