1974 School Magazine
October: The Inter-school Athletics were held at I-a Park" Our teams performed very well and thar must go to the hard working Sports' Mistresse but State High once again took out the honour The Sports' Camp, alias "A Gourme Delight", will be held in the Tallebudge National Fitness Camp Kitchen, from the 25t 27th of this month. .._'f. .... i..F.,,
,{ugust: Sports Results: This year, despite a few major accidents, our tennis, netball and volleyball teams came home with a few victories. Con- gratulations to the successful teams. Owing to the shortened time limit only twenty girls com- pleted the cross country course in the required limit. Once again Lillian Fielding showed us her versatility as an athlete. Informal day again attracted its usual variety of wear, and the funds this year will be put to the construction of hot showers in the change rooms. We should like to thank the Parents' and Friends' Association who organized a careers evening for Fourth and Fifth Form girls. Every year this proves to be of great help to girls in deciding future careers. During the August holidays trips were organized to S.E. Asia and Mt. Buffalo. From the photos and films that came back it looked as though the girls enjoyed themselves. Janet Torney was chosen as one of the thirteen Giri Guides to represent Australia at the International Guide Camp in Japan. Septernber: The combined Grammar cast of "Peer Gynt" performed at "The Australian Drama Festival" in Canberra and were highly commended for their efforts. Congratulations to Sandra Pollock and the lnteract Club for raising over $500 in their raffle. This money helped to make the School Day proceeds the highest ever. Our first SRC Dance held after School Day was both a financial and social success. We would like to thank the Old Girls Committee for the excellent art show in the school gym on the 14th and 15th Septem- ber. All the girls who entered projects in the Science Competition received awards and these unprecedented results could not have been achieved without the invaluable assistance of the Science Staff particularly Mr. Brown who has recently left us. Tricky Dicky stalks no more.
Janelle Graham - Team Captain
November: The Sixth Form dinner will be held at Murray St., on the l lth November. M excursions are planned for the end of Noven including a most suspicious Maths excursior Mt. Tamborine. The School Musical "Alict Wonderland" is now well underway and will presented (with a bit of luck) toward the of November. We would like to wish the girls who 1 been awarded scholarships overseas next ' the very best of luck. Robyn Torney, who ' Study Girl International, is going to the Un States, Helen Story and Mandy Hawkins wil. leaving in January for a year in Japan. Cantamessa is now at the International Scl in Singapore. Finally our best wishes for a Merry Chrisl and A Happy New Year. J.FI.&L
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