1974 School Magazine



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Mary Williams, VIB

SANBAKER A sunbaker sprawls over & blistered white beqch, her bubbling raw flesh cringing under a layer ol oil, and through a freckled rose coloured haze she sees him - His tail lean muscles rippling under a dusky brown skin, no sweat, no trouble, he flaunts his tan of a thousand years. And she believes for the lirst time in her lile - "to be born beautiful, to be born black." Marie-Louise Cantamessa 4C \ka ]F ,, 2h'G r SdDfhe suN(r/Aa uploda4* Aorv J i/ sea ltlc' aruago o /( tt Belinda Shepherdson, IXB

,,THE TRAIN" I hear the train's whistle blowing, I hear it pull into the station, I hear the pounding ol feet, I hear the passengers boarding the train. I hear the driver tatking, I hear the passengers talking, I hear the engine roaring, I hear the clunk of suit cases. I hear the conductor asking for tickets, Oh NO! I ean't lind mine, Ilelp!

Wendy Criltall2A

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