1974 School Magazine

,,EASTER'' The wind screamed through lerusalem - God's warning? The rain streamed like sheels ol beaten ivsn - God's tears? The snow gleamed: ever whitening - God's for- giveness? Wind; rain; snow: in spring, in lerusalem. High np upon a darkened hill stood crosses * trro. Around the third, cold and wet, worked men, like me and you. No rope they used but nails - Nails through God to wood. A Thunderclap, the cross rose up. A Thunderroll, eight prayerful words then body to soul. The Lightning nexl; then darkness pressed and the storm ra:ged. The wind screamed, the rain streamed, the snow gleamed - in spring, in lerusalem. Two clays ol night but on the third - light. Light front tlte surt which rose and glowed. No wind, no rain, but snow remained. snow and swt together

TRANQUILLITY I watch the rising mists tift lrom the valley and the dewdrops that had previously settled on unsuspecting plants. Looking down lrom my mountain perch I can see rows of llowers spread out in vast lields - Their fragrance being carried up with the mists. I leel the warmth of the sun's reys, as it lifts itself from behind the distant hills. A new day has come - And to me this spells tranquillity. Helen Blackburne 2D

THE DEATH TRAP The tiny, delicate brown spider gracelully weaves its web ol silk Its ltome and nesting ground forever, soft and 't'ragile, carelully built. The large ugly brown spider sits motionless on its intricate web, Waiting to lure some unsuspecting victim Into its stick)) trap of death.

R . Torney 6A

Anon 4C




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