1974 School Magazine

l-lcl \s Gctcs

Moris-k:urige. CnntorneS3cl VC-

Even though I cqn't understqnd The things the others do I can feel many things Iust like you do too. I can leel pain when someone says "She's stupid isn't she"? They think because I cannot tqlk I cannot feel or see. But I hear the things they say Sometimes love comes through But often only hate and pity These feelings are strong too.

I am a child In mtnd but not in body I try to make things neatly But for me that's hard. They tell me to lit the square blocks into the rtght holes But they just don't seem to fit I don't know why. I can't understand. I can't help the way I am My mind jut works too slow And when I try to put the wrong blocks in They iust won't go.

Christine Simmonds, VIB

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