1974 School Magazine
euartetgritiftal When another zge was founded and an intellect emerged: Rising master of the beauty under which it was submerged It turne-d tyrant. Unifying, carved a hollow silver hell, And inside the Godhead dangled, uystal clapper of the bell. But q two-way road was opened; in two pairs ol thinking eyes I discovered Love and Hatred, and I saw the mirror rise; Every challenge was accepted, every slight was fiercely fought,. Those around me watched and wondered at the changes they had wrought. Fairy circles spun at midnight; Past and Future ioined their hqnds, I{/ounel and wove the facts to fiction, planted them in loreign sands, Cried and questioned all creation, clove to higher, holy, things; Triecl to make the puppets dance for me, but they had cut the strings. Daybreak, burning with a lever fading through the alternoon, Shelving memories brittle, yellowetl, by a Past that came too soon. Reading through them, smiling, coasting on a wave that couldn't break - Learni.ng slowly ol the Future, leeling new desires wake; Asking w-hy, and never asking, running forward in time to choose All the pattern ol a lifetime, alt the grandeur I could use. And the thought, intense emotion, the am_ bition, served me then: Floorling. heightened through my senses * lltty directed brush and pen Till the qnswers all were qiestions, and the dancers all were stilt, While you shadows ol Tomonow stoo{t assemblecl on the hill llthere a sweet new light was falling, was dissolving by the hour All the walls around a princess in an ivory fluted fower. Clare Bremner VI
IIL ll those empty days ol llirting with those myriads of boys, While the empty world revolved around a group-dictated noise; And the clothes we wore were all pre_ _- scribed by empty-headed lools Who gave us modern lreeclom with on ancient set ol rules. Looking outward, with a searching that ignored the depths inside, Askiryg questions of the presence they had saici should be denied: Strange new me was bearing tragedies and tears, ideals and dreams, Never^pausing to consider Is It Really All It Seems? And the shallow tetms rolled on through their hibiscus-colourecl tlays; Schoolroom romance founcl Tipression in a multitude ol ways. Re-adiusting and iwaking, glancing scorn- ful at the girl llthose existence wqs lrustration to the woman ol the world. IV Out ol -fancy into practice, but the tinsel strands remained,- An4 my summer tlreams clemancted all that lancy had contained While -the pedestal obseisect me in the _,gaucheness of my youth _ Ilolv I tried to stand atop it, ever tumb_ ling, lackins truth! Short-cut,. piths. that lect to nothing, ^ crumbling castles in the air; But despite their dereliction'I discoverecl something there: Days when wstur was triumphant, rul- _ ing fire in my soul! Days when elements assemblecl, alt emofions of a whole, Days when Lile coutet not allect me _ all was golden, all was clear! But the months like tittle canclles were ex_ tinguished by the year, And the old regime was endecl, and a new one took its nlace: All .the changes'cut like whiplash on Tradi_ tion's silent face.
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